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地方政府应急管理的现状、问题与对策研究 --以佛山市应对山竹台风为例 摘要:应急管理是地方政府的重要职能和职责,地方政府的应急管理是地方政府应对突发事件的一系列有计划,有组织的管理程序,当务之急是有效地预防,处理各种突发事件和从各种突发事件中脱颖而出。 为了最大程度地减少事件的负面影响,则需要对地方政府应急管理中存在的问题进行深入研究,不断提高地方政府应急管理能力,积极推进应急管理体制创新。 在其基础上,本文采用2018年9月台风“山竹”作为案例并且结合公共危机的概念、特征和当前我国地方政府危机管理的进况对案例进行论证。从案例中多个角度进行的探讨分析。最后,提出我国地方政府需要提高公众危机意识、制定健全的灾害基本法、制定科学的应急预案、完善灾后的信息沟通渠道。 关键词:地方政府,应急管理,自然灾害,应急方法 Research on the current situation, problems and countermeasures of local government emergency management -- taking the response to typhoon mangosteen in Foshan city as an example Abstract: emergency management is an important function and responsibility of local governments. Emergency management of local governments is a series of planned and organized management procedures for local governments to deal with emergencies. The most urgent task is to effectively prevent and deal with all kinds of emergencies and stand out from all kinds of emergencies. In order to minimize the negative impact of the incident, it is necessary to conduct in-depth research on the problems existing in the local governments emergency management, continuously improve the local governments emergency management capacity, and actively promote the innovation of emergency management system. On this basis, this paper takes typhoon mangosteen in September 2018 as a case and demonstrates the case by combining the concept and characteristics of public crisis and the current situation of crisis management of local governments in China. From the case of many aspects of the discussion and analysis. Finally, it is pointed out that local governments in China need to raise public awareness of the crisis, formulate sound disaster basic law, formulate scientific emergency plan and improve information communication channels after the disaster. Key words: local government, emergency management, natural disaster, emergency response method 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 18815 第1章绪论 1 15981 1.1研究背景和意义 1 21699 1.1.1本课题的背景分析 1 5524 1.1.2本课题的研究意义 1 24087 1.2文献综


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