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全 册 课 件 延迟符 酒店英语会话全套课件 酒店英语会话 HOTEL ENGLISH DIALOGUES   (第三版) 教育部“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材 Unit 1 Room Reservations --客房预订 I. Guidance单元导学 Abstract概要 In this unit you’ll learn the dialogues about FIT reservation, group reservation, meeting hall reservation and reservation change. Through the study, you’ll learn the key sentence patterns and related professional e knowledge about the room reservation. 本单元主要学习散客预定、团队预定、会议预定、变更预定的对话。通过对话的学习,学会在预定服务时必须掌握的主要句型以及相关的专业知识。 Guidance单元导学 Unit Objectives学习目标 How to make the FIT reservation? 如何进行散客预定? How to make the group reservation? 如何进行团队预定? How to make the meeting hall reservation? 如何进行会议室预定? How to change the reservation? 如何变更预定? II. Situational Dialogues情景会话 1. FIT Reservation散客预订 2. Group Reservation团队预订 3. Meeting Hall Reservation会议厅预定 4. Reservation Change变更预订 1. FIT Reservation散客预订 Dialogue A Scene:Mr. Smith makes a phone call to reserve a room in the hotel. The reservationist answers the phone. 1. FIT Reservation散客预订 Dialogue B Scene: Mr. Adams reserves a double room on the Internet. He calls Westin Hotel to talk about his special needs for the room. The reservationist answers the phone. 1. FIT Reservation散客预订 New Words reserve /rɪzɜːv/ v. 预订 reservationist /ˌrezəveɪʃənɪst/ n.预订人员 available /əveɪləbəl/ adj. 可利用的,空闲的 confirm /kənfɜːm/ v. 确认 disabled /dɪseɪbld/ adj. 残废的 facility /fəsɪlɪtɪ/ n.设施 toilet /tɒɪlɪt/ n. 厕所,盥洗室 2. Group Reservation团队预订 Dialogue A Scene: Mr. White wants to reserve some rooms for his company. The reservationist serves him. 2. Group Reservation团队预订 Dialogue B Scene: The clerk from a travel agency wants to book some rooms for the tourists. The reservationist answers her call. 2. Group Reservation团队预订 New Words clerk /klɑːk/ n.职员,办事员 corporate /kɔːpərɪt/ adj.团体的,全体的 prefer /prɪfɜː/ v. 更喜欢,宁愿 charge /tʃɑːdʒ/ v.收费 equivalent /ɪkwɪvələnt/ adj. 相等的 discount /dɪskaʊnt/ n.折扣 confirmation /ˌkɒnfəmeɪʃən/ n.确认 agency /eɪdʒənsɪ/ n.代理 tourist /tʊərɪst/ n. 旅行者 assure /əʃʊə/ v.保证 3. Meeting Hall Reservat


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