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;Unit 1 The Function of University life 寇国芳 制作; Part 1 Listening ;听力文本: 1. W: Waa, I do like this campus. All the big trees, the green lawns, and the old buildings with tall columns. It is really beautiful.   M: It sure is. The architecture of these buildings is in the Greek style. It was popular in the 18th century here.   Q: What are the speakers talking about? c;2. W: John, what are you doing on your computer? Don’t you remember your promise?   M: This is not a game. It’s only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary.   Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers? D;3. M: So when are the other guys going to get here? The train is leaving in 10 minutes. We can’t wait here forever.   W: It’s 10:30 already. They’re supposed to be here by now. I told everybody to meet here by 10:15.   Q: When is the train leaving? C;4. M: How do you like the new physician who replaced Dr. Andrew?   W: I hear that the Edwards are thinking of buying another house.   M: Should they be doing that with all the other expenses they have to pay? Anyhow, they are over 70 now; their present house is not too bad.   Q: What does the man imply? C;5. W: Do you have the seminar schedule with you? I’d like to find out the topic for Friday.   M: I gave it to my friend, but there should be copies available in the library. I can pick one up for you.   Q: What does the man promise to do? D;Part 2 Reading Lead-in Discuss the following questions in groups. In this part, students can express their ideas freely; The translation of Text A 大学生活的功能与作用 1. 大学生活并不像我们预期的一样。 ;2. 首先,在大学,我们整日没完没了地上课,以及应对过多的课外作业和数不清的考试,一些学生抱怨,说他们都变成了“考试机器”。其次,大学生活条件急需改善;大学食堂的饭菜远不具有吸引力,也不可口。 ; 3. 尽管有这样的不利条件,我们仍然喜欢大学生活。在为期四年的大学学习中,我们不仅可以学到书本上的知识,也可以培养各种各样的能力。丰富多彩的课外活动,如运动会,演讲比赛,多样性的社交聚会,舞会,为广大学生提供了广交朋友的机会,甚至有许多同学建立的友谊能持续很长时间。 ; 4. 与我们的整个生命周期相比,四年的大学生活还是很短暂的。这期间我们逐渐变得成熟稳重,同时也为自己的


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