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;Unit One. Posture Etiquette;Focal Points;Posture is the way you hold your body against gravity while standing, walking, sitting or lying down. Gravity is pulling down your body all the time while you are trying to hold it upright.;Posture Etiquette ; Contents: Stance Eye Contract Gestures Distance Facial Expression;;Eyes;Eyes;;;Distance;Facial Expression;Exercises;Exercises;Exercises;Exercises;Exercises;Exercises;Exercises;Exercises;Unit Two. Dressing Etiquette;Focal Points;Dressing is the way you put on clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion. Usually, it refers to one’s clothes, ties, shoes and accessories.;Dressing Etiquette ; Contents: Dressing Etiquette Business Attire Guideline Dresses in Different Cultures ;;;Guidelines for business dressing;;;;;Dress in different cultures;Dress in different cultures;Exercises;Exercises;Exercises;Exercises;Exercises;Exercises;Exercises;5.If the suit is buttoned, where should be the stickpin? --Between the second button and the third button of the shirt. 6.If the suit is unbuttoned, where should be the stickpin? -- Between the third button and the fourth button of the shirt. 7. When your foreign friend says, “Your new dress is so beautiful.” what are you supposed to say? --You should say, “Thanks, I am glad you like it.” ;Unit Three. Make-Up Etiquette;Focal Points; Make-up is the way to use different cosmetics and makeup tools to make people enhance and beautify. This is usually the most common use and the most prevalent. As a beauty aid, this use helps build up the self esteem and confidence of an individual.;Make-up Etiquette ; Contents: The Importance of Cosmetics and Makeup Business-lady makeup How to Do Your Makeup? ;The first known historical record of using cosmetics to enhance beauty or parts of the face and body was in Egypt during the First Dynasty around the years 3100 - 2907 BC. Makeup eventually evolved from the Egyptian kohl to the French rouge, which was u


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