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word word 文档 可自由复制编辑 摘 要 本设计中,污水处理规模为日处理生产废水 5000m3/d,进水水质:COD 为 900mg/L, BOD 为 250mg/L , SS 为 180mg/L,色度为400 度,pH 为 6,NH3-N 为 30mg/L。出水水质达到《纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准》(DB 32/670-2004)中规定的排放的要求, 即 COD≤100mg/L,BOD≤25mg/L,SS≤70mg/L,色度≤40 度,pH 为 6~9,NH3-N≤15mg/L。印染废水具有色度高,COD、BOD 含量高,成分复杂,水质、水量变化剧烈等特 点。因为印染废水属于难降解的废水,所以本设计采用水解酸化提高废水的可生化性。经过方案比选,本设计采用水解酸化- 接触氧化- 混凝工艺,其处理效果明显优于传统工艺,对 BOD、COD、SS 有很好的处理效果,并具有能耗低、产泥量少的特点,且剩余污泥可直接脱水。沉淀池后设置混凝沉淀池,作为三级处理,可获得较好的出水水质, 使废水达标排放。 经技术经济分析,此方案投资总额 116 万元,废水处理成本为 0.64 元/m3,有着良好的经济效益和社会效益。且节约用地、提高绿化、降低能耗的理念在设计中得到充分的实践,符合新时代环保的要求。 关键词:印染废水 水解酸化 生物接触氧化 混凝沉淀 Abstract In this design, the scale of sewage treatment is to dispose wastewater 5000m3 / d, water quality: COD 900mg / L to 250mg / L, BOD, SS 180mg / L, the color is 400 degrees, pH, NH3-N is 30mg / L Water quality can meet the emissions requirements specified in the textile industry standards for water pollutants (DB 32/670-2004), that of COD ≤ 100 mg / L of BOD ≤ 25mg / L, SS ≤ 70mg / L, and chroma ≤ 40 degrees, pH 6 ~ 9, NH3-N ≤ 15 mg / L. High color printing and dyeing wastewater, the COD, high content of BOD, complex composition, water quality and quantity of rapid change and so on. Dyeing wastewater is biodegradable wastewater, so the design uses a hydrolysis acidification to improve the wastewater biodegradability. After the program than the election, this design uses a hydrolysis acidification - contact oxidation - coagulation process, the treatment effect was better than the traditional process, BOD, COD, the SS has a good treatment effect, and has low energy consumption, sludge production is less features, and excess sludge can be dehydration. Set after coagulation and sedimentation, sedimentation tanks, as a tertiary treatment, to obtain better water quality, wastewater discharge standards. Technical and economic analysis of this scenario, the total investment of 116 million wastewater treatment cost is 0.64yuan / m3, has a good economic and social benefits. And land conservation, an


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