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Part One 前元音听辨及跟读 A. Practice these four sounds in phrases. eat the meat make a wish very well a mad man keep the seat sit down get ready a jazz band three trees best friend a black bag Peter’s secret a small fish ten men a plastic bag the Chinese people a bit chilly Teddy Bear hand in hand a piece of cheese bit by bit wet with sweat a happy marriage a friend in need fit as a fiddle best seller on behalf of our class B. Now practice the sound in sentences. ⑴ Please speak English. Dick gives Lily a big kiss. The book sells well, I guess. Don’t let the cat out of the bag. ⑵ Seeing is believing. They stayed together through thick and thin. Let’s get everything ready. They ran hand in hand. ⑶ Steve lives on 333 Peterson Street. Can you give me a lift? Remember to get me ten eggs. He who laughs last laughs best. ⑷ Don’t speak Chinese in an English class. Is it spring or still winter? All is well that ends well. Pat sat on the grass with a glass in his hand. ⑸ Please keep this seat for me. Mary is fifty now, but she’s still fit as a fiddle. Better late than never. Sally married a handsome young man named Jerry. Part Two 中元音听辨练习 A. Practice these three sounds in phrases. the first term a long term0 some money learn the words among the workers some honey a firm girl never forget once in a month a nervous nurse a sheet of paper a tough son an early bird a drop of water a funny couple a dirty shirt the teachers of China a sudden jump the third world the doctor’s daughter just for fun an active learner at the counter blood for blood B. Now practice the sound in sentences. ⑴ The early bird catches the worm. My younger brother’s a doctor. Enough is enough. ⑵ First come, first served. Peter can use the computer pretty well. I wonder who’s coming to lunch. ⑶ The girls have to learn World History first. Peter’s father is a professor. My brother lives in the countryside. ⑷ Earl has worked in that firm


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