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第PAGE42页(共NUMPAGES42页) 2022年中考英语复习之挑战压轴题(语篇填空):首字母阅读填空(15题) 一.首字母阅读填空(共15小题) 1.(2022?南京模拟)Have you heard about the periodic table (元素周期表) lately?Well,theres some big news about this special table,but first,remember that the periodic table is used to organize all the elements,or things that make (1)u    our world. Elements are all around us.Iron is one of the commonest elements found within the Earth.You probably know the element oxygen.It is the element that we (2)b    in all the time.And elements can combine (结合) to make new things (3)l    H2O.This is hydrogen and oxygen put together,also known as (4)w    !Learning about these things helps us better understand the world we live in. But have you ever noticed something missing in the periodic table?There were already 114 elements.But the seventh row of the table was not (5)f    ,until now!In December,scientists from IUPAC(国际理论与应用化学联合会) found the (6)f    elements that were missing.They are elements 113,115,117 and 118. To scientists,this is of greater (7)v    than an Olympic gold medal, Ryoji Noyori,a Nobel honored chemist,told the Guardian. The new elements are heavy metals and were made in (8)l    .These kinds of elements cant be found in nature.Scientists are still looking for ways to use these elements,and other elements in the eighth row,in our daily lives. Scientists have been working on this for 10 years,but the work is not done.Now they will (9)p    to look for element 119 and beyond.But for now,be careful when you read your (10)C    books because the periodic table might be outdated. 2.(2022?盐都区一模)Dirty clothes,a face covered in mud,eyes full of pain and determination (决心).You can h(1)   imagine this is a pop idol.But it is!Yi Yangqianxi played soldier Wu Wanli in the film The Battle at Lake Changjin (《长津湖》). Its a story about the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (1950﹣1953).D(2)   the National Day holiday,the films box office reached 3 billi


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