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第PAGE31页(共NUMPAGES31页) 2017-2021年河南中考英语真题分类汇编之介词冠词连词 一.选择题(共12小题) 1.(2019?河南)﹣﹣﹣Judy, how was ____camping? ﹣﹣﹣The other campers were nice, and we had_____fun time together.(  ) A.a; a B.a; the C.the; the D.the; a 2.(2018?河南)﹣Are you going to_____ football match tonight? ﹣I wish I could, but Im meeting _____ VIP from Oklahoma.(  ) A.an; an B.an; a C.the; an D.the; a 3.(2017?河南)﹣﹣﹣When will car race begin? ﹣﹣﹣Im not sure.Maybe next week,or maybe week after next(  ) A.a; the B.an; the C.the; a D.the; the 4.(2018?河南)As a child. I would sit for hours by the river doing_____﹣simply daydreaming.(  ) A.nothing B.everything C.something D.anything 5.(2019?河南)﹣﹣﹣Shall I help you the street, Grandpa? ﹣﹣﹣No, thanks. I can manage it myself.(  ) A.on B.with C.across D.along 6.(2018?河南)I stopped _____the night in a small village while I was on holiday in the Himalayas a few years ago.(  ) A.at B.for C.until D.through 7.(2017?河南)Father brought his little boy to a concert.But he was too young to sit ___ the whole concert.(  ) A.for B.with C.during D.through 8.(2018?河南)The words racecar, kayak and level are the same they are read left to night or right to left.(  ) A.since B.though C.unless D.whether 9.(2019?河南)Before you ask someone for help, find out he is the right person for your problem.(  ) A.since B.that C.whether D.unless 10.(2018?河南)Anyone who is a server or____ has been one knows that customers always come first.(  ) A.whom B.what C.who D.which 11.(2017?河南)I hate the dogs live in the next house.They make loud noises all night(  ) A.who B.that C.what D.whom 12.(2019?河南)﹣﹣﹣Do you know the boy over there? ﹣﹣﹣The one is holding a ball? Oh, thats my neighbor Phil.(  ) A.what B.which C.who D.不填 二.填空题(共1小题) 13.(2018?河南)So only ask friend three her talk start because later like interest Once, there was a little girl named Meredith. Meredith enjoyed spending (1)   free time with her friends, but there was something d


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