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Appendix 3e Timed-reading text: Funding for scientific research Throughout history, much scientific research has been carried out for its own sake and some of the great inventors made little or no profit from their discoveries. This was even true during the 19th century, when significant scientific and technological research was carried out by individuals who had 5 to rely on their own means of financial support. Section 1 A system of granting patents was introduced, which meant that inventors were allowed a certain period of time (e.g., 20 years) to profit from their discoveries. It was not until 1883 at the Convention of Paris that patent laws became internationalized, when a union was established for the protection 10 of intellectual property. However, the patent system still often failed to benefit the individuals who made the initial discovery. Charles Goodyear, the inventor of vulcanized rubber, is one of the most famous scientists who gained no personal profit from his invention. In fact, Goodyear spent so much time in court trying to verify his patent that he died with debts of 15 some $200,000. Even the company called Goodyear was not founded by the inventor himself, but was named in his honour posthumously. It was only after his death that his widow and children began to live in the comfort that was always denied to him. Today, once a patent has been applied for and granted, it prevents others from making, using, selling or distributing



