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1.Good afternoon. 下午好。 2.Theres a medical revolution happening all around us, and its one thats going to help us conquer some of societys most dreaded conditions, 一场医学革命正发生在我们身边。 这将有助于我们攻克 社会上一些最可怕的疾病, 3.including cancer. 包括癌症。 4.The revolution is called angiogenesis, and its based on the process that our bodies use to grow blood vessels. 这场革命称为血管新生, 它基于 血管在我们人体自然生长的过程。 5.So why should we care about blood vessels? 那我们为什么应该关注血管呢? 6.Well, the human body is literally packed with them: 60,000 miles worth in a typical adult. 首先,它们充满了我们的身体。 一般成人体内有相当六万英里长的血管。 7.End to end, that would form a line that would circle the earth twice. (如果我们把身体里的血管)接头接尾地连成一条线, 这条线可以绕地球两圈。 8.The smallest blood vessels are called capillaries; weve got 19 billion of them in our bodies. 最小的血管称为毛细血管。 我们体内有190亿。 9.And these are the vessels of life, and, as Ill show you, they can also be the vessels of death. 这些是生命之脉, 同时,我将展示给你们看, 它们也可以是死亡之脉。 10.Now the remarkable thing about blood vessels is that they have this ability to adapt to whatever environment theyre growing in. 血管不平常的地方 是它们有能力 适应任何生长环境。 11.For example, in the liver they form channels to detoxify the blood; in the lung they line air sacs for gas exchange; in muscle they corkscrew so that muscles can contract 比如说,在肝脏内它们形成渠道 来解毒血液。 在肺里,它们包裹着气囊来进行气体交换。 在肌肉里,它们形成螺旋形让肌肉可以伸缩 12.without cutting off circulation; and in nerves they course along like power lines, keeping those nerves alive. 而不会阻断血液循环。 在神经里,它们沿着(神经)走,就像电线一样, 维持那些神经生存。 13.We get most of these blood vessels when were actually still in the womb, And what that means is that as adults, blood vessels dont normally grow. 实际大多数我们的血管生成时候, 是我们还在子宫里时。 那意味着,作为成人, 血管通常不生长, 14.Except in a few special circumstances: In women, blood vessels grow every month to build the lining of the uterus; during pregnancy, they form the placenta, 除了少数特殊情况。 比如在女性体内,血管每月都会生长 来建立子宫膜。 在怀孕期间,它们形成胎盘, 15.which connects mom and baby. 联系母亲和婴儿。 16.And after injury, blood vessels ac


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