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1.Cultural evolution is a dangerous child for any species to let loose on its planet. 文化的进化是个危险的孩子 对于任何放任它的物种来说。 2.By the time you realize whats happening, the child is a toddler, up and causing havoc, and its too late to put it back. 等到你意识到正在发生的情况时,孩子已经会走路了, 到处闯祸,想把他拉回来为时已晚。 3.We humans are Earths Pandoran species. 我们人类是地球的潘多拉德物种。 4.Were the ones who let the second replicator out of its box, and we cant push it back in. 我们是把第二个复制体放出盒子的人, 而我们却不能再将它放回去。 5.Were seeing the consequences all around us. 我们见证了身边的后果。 6.Now that, I suggest, is the view that comes out of taking memetics seriously. 现在,我提议 是好好谈谈迷因论的时候了。 7.And it gives us a new way of thinking about not only whats going on on our planet, but what might be going on elsewhere in the cosmos. 它给我们提供了一个新的思考方式 不仅仅是关于我们的星球上发生些什么, 还关于宇宙中其他地方发生的事情。 8.So first of all Id like to say something about memetics and the theory of memes, and secondly, how this might answer questions about whos out there, 所以首先,我想介绍一下迷因 和迷因理论, 其次,这个可能解答关于外太空的问题, 9.if indeed anyone is. 是否有生命存在。 10.So, memetics. 所以,迷因。 11.Memetics is founded on the principle of universal Darwinism. 迷因是建立在通用达尔文理论上的。 12.Darwin had this amazing idea. 达尔文想到这个惊人的点子。 13.Indeed, some people say its the best idea anybody ever had. 确实,一些人说 这是有史以来最好的想法 14.Isnt that a wonderful thought, that there could be such a thing as a best idea anybody ever had? 难道这不是个绝妙的点子吗?有什么 可能是最好的点子呢? 15.Do you think there could? 你认为有可能吗? 16.Audience: No. 观众:没有。 17.(Laughter) Susan Blackmore: Someone says no, very loudly, from over there. (笑声) 苏珊 布莱克莫尔:那边有人很大声地说不。 18.Well, I say yes, and if there is, I give the prize to Darwin. 但是,我说有可能,如果有,我要颁奖给达尔文。 19.Why? 为什么呢? 20.Because the idea was so simple, and yet it explains all design in the universe. 因为这个想法很简单, 却解释了宇宙中所有的设计。 21.I would say not just biological design, but all of the design that we think of as human design. 我会说不仅仅是生物上的设计, 还包括一切我们所想到的人为设计。 22.Its all just the same thing happenin


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