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1.Its very nice to be here tonight. 从所看到的史料中 2.So Ive been working on the history of income and wealth distribution for the past 15 years, and one of the interesting lessons coming from this historical evidence 过去15年来,我一直致力于研究 收入和财富分配的历史, 从所看到的史料中 我分析得出的一个有意思的现象是 3.is indeed that, in the long run, there is a tendency for the rate of return of capital to exceed the economys growth rate, and this tends to lead to high concentration of wealth. 从长远来看 趋势是资本的收益率 超过经济增长率, 这将会导致财富的高度集中。 4.Not infinite concentration of wealth, but the higher the gap between r and g, the higher the level of inequality of wealth towards which society tends to converge. 但并不是财富的无限集中, 而是r(资本收益率)和g(经济增长率)之间比例的极不均衡, 以及财富分配的极不平等 这似乎是社会的发展走向。 5.So this is a key force that Im going to talk about today, but let me say right away that this is not the only important force in the dynamics of income and wealth distribution, 这是我今天将要谈的关键内容 但是我得明确一下 这不是唯一的 在收入和财富分配的变化中起到关键作用的因素 6.and there are many other forces that play an important role in the long-run dynamics of income and wealth distribution. 另外还有很多因素 在不断发展变化的收入和财富分配的过程中起到 重要作用。 7.Also there is a lot of data that still needs to be collected. 同时,还有 许多数据需要收集。 8.We know a little bit more today than we used to know, but we still know too little, and certainly there are many different processes — 相比以前,现今我们对这个问题 了解的更多了,但是我们还是知之甚少, 另外,还应该在相关的不同领域, 9.economic, social, political — that need to be studied more. 例如经济,社会,政治等 投入更多的研究。 10.And so Im going to focus today on this simple force, but that doesnt mean that other important forces do not exist. 所以虽然今天我主要讨论的是关键因素 但并不是说其他重要因素 不存在了 11.So most of the data Im going to present comes from this database thats available online: the World Top Incomes Database. 今天我大部分数据都 基于一个数据库 大家可以在网上找到: “世界顶级收入数据库“ 12.So this is the largest existing historical database on inequality, and this comes from the effort of over 30 scholars from several dozen countries. 这是现有最大的 表现收入不平均的数据库, 其的建成有赖于 几十


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