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1.What I want to talk to you about today is some of the problems that the military of the Western world -- Australia, United States, U.K. and so on -- 今天我想要想大家谈论的 是关于西方国家军队-- 澳大利亚,美国,英国等等-- 2.face in some of the deployments that theyre dealing with in the modern world at this time. 面临着一些 对付现代世界的部署的问题 3.If you think about the sorts of things that weve sent Australian military personnel to in recent years, weve got obvious things like Iraq and Afghanistan, 如果你想到的是那些 近几年我们将澳大利亚军队派遣到 明显的是如伊拉克和阿富汗, 4.but youve also got things like East Timor and the Solomon Islands and so on. 但是你也能想到东帝坟 和所罗门群岛 5.And a lot of these deployments that were actually sending military personnel to these days arent traditional wars. 这些部署 如今我们实际上派遣军队去的 并非是传统的战争 6.In fact, a lot of the jobs that were asking the military personnel to do in these situations are ones that, in their own countries, in Australia, the United States and so on, 事实上,很多工作 在这些情况下我们要求军队去做的 是那些在他们自己的国家,在澳大利亚,在美国等等, 7.would actually be done by police officers. 可以被警察完成的(任务) 8.And so theres a bunch of problems that come up for military personnel in these situations, because theyre doing things that they havent really been trained for, 因此让军队处在这中情况下 出现了很多的问题 因为他们在做一些从未被训练过的(任务) 9.and theyre doing things that those who do them in their own countries are trained very differently for and equipped very differently for. 他们做一些 其他人在他们自己国家 被训练的十分的不同 并且整装也十分的不相同(的任务) 10.Now theres a bunch of reasons why we actually do send military personnel rather than police to do these jobs. 现在这里有很多的原因为什么 我们实际上将军队派遣去 而非警察去做这些工作 11.If Australia had to send a thousand people tomorrow to West Papua for example, we dont have a thousand police officers hanging around 打个比方,如果澳大利亚明天需要派遣一千人 去新几内亚 我们没有一千名闲置的警察可以 12.that could just go tomorrow and we do have a thousand soldiers that could go. 明天出发 我们却有一千名士兵可以去 13.So when we have to send someone, we send the military -- because theyre there, theyre available and, heck, theyre used



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