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1.Today, Im going to take you around the world in 18 minutes. 今天, 我要带大家 在十八分钟的时间里环游世界。 2.My base of operations is in the U.S., but lets start at the other end of the map, in Kyoto, Japan, where I was living with a Japanese family 美国是这次旅程的起点。 但让我们从地图的另一端出发 - 日本京都 在那儿我和一个日本当地家庭生活在一起 3.while I was doing part of my dissertational research 15 years ago. 当时我正在做博士毕业论文的相关研究 这是十五年前的事了。 4.I knew even then that I would encounter cultural differences and misunderstandings, but they popped up when I least expected it. 那时候我就知道我肯定会遭遇 文化差异和误解, 但它们却是在我毫无准备的情形下发生了。 5.On my first day, I went to a restaurant, and I ordered a cup of green tea with sugar. 我到那儿的第一天, 去了一家餐厅, 点了一杯加糖的绿茶。 6.After a pause, the waiter said, One does not put sugar in green tea. 那个服务生顿了一下说, “我们这里喝绿茶都不加糖。” 7.I know, I said. Im aware of this custom. “我知道。”我说,“我知道这个习俗。 8.But I really like my tea sweet. 但是我想要喝甜的绿茶。” 9.In response, he gave me an even more courteous version of the same explanation. 听到我的回答,他用更礼貌的语气对我 又解释了一遍同样的意思。 10.One does not put sugar in green tea. 我们从来不在绿茶里 加糖。 11.I understand, I said, that the Japanese do not put sugar in their green tea, but Id like to put some sugar in my green tea. “我明白,”我说, “我明白日本人从来不在绿茶里加糖。 但是我就想放点糖 在我的绿茶里。” 12.(Laughter) Surprised by my insistence, the waiter took up the issue with the manager. (笑声) 服务生被我的执着震住了, 他把此事告诉了店经理 13.Pretty soon, a lengthy discussion ensued, and finally the manager came over to me and said, I am very sorry. We do not have sugar. 不一会儿, 开始了一个很长的讨论 最后店经理走过来对我说, ”非常抱歉。我们店里没有糖。“ 14.(Laughter) Well, since I couldnt have my tea the way I wanted it, I ordered a cup of coffee, which the waiter brought over promptly. (笑声) 好吧,既然喝不到想喝的加糖绿茶, 我只好另点了一杯咖啡, 这次服务生很快就端过来了。 15.Resting on the saucer were two packets of sugar. 只见茶托上赫然躺着 两小包糖。 16.My failure to procure myself a cup of sweet, green tea was not due to a simple misunderstanding. 我没能给自己点到 一杯加糖绿茶 并不是因为简单的误解。 17.This was due to a fundamental difference in our ideas



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