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ED演讲者 :Jessica Ladd | 杰西卡·拉德 演讲标题 : he reporting system that sexual assault survivors want | 性侵受害者需要的举报平台 内容概要 :We dont have to live in a world where 99 percent of rapists get away with it, says ED Fellow Jessica Ladd. With Callisto, a new platform for college students to confidentially report sexual assault, Ladd is helping survivors get the support and j ustice they deserve while respecting their privacy concerns. We can create a world where theres a real deterrent to violating the rights of another human being, she says. 杰西卡·拉德认为 ,我们不必生活在一个绝大部分性侵者都可以逃脱惩罚的世界。Callisto是一个在校学生可 以匿名举报性侵的平台 ,拉德一方面保护了受害者的隐私 ,同时也帮他们伸张了正义。她说 :”我们可以改 变世界 ,真正的遏制对人权的侵害。 “ www.XiYuS 锡育软件 Hannah is excited to be going to college. 汉娜对于即将到来的大学生活感到 分兴奋。 [00:13] She couldnt wait to get out of her parents house, to prove 她迫不及待地想要离开父母, 我们通过及早制止屡 to them that shes an adult, and to prove to her new friends 次作案的罪犯, 并且有了属于 自己的朋友圈。 that she belongs. [00:16] She heads to a campus party where she sees a guy that she 在一个校园派对上, 她对一个男生一见钟情。 has a crush on. [00:25] Lets call him Mike. 让我们称他为迈克。[00:29] The next day, Hannah wakes up with a pounding headache. 第二天,汉娜在剧烈的头痛中醒来。[00:32] She can only remember the night in flashes. 她对昨晚的记忆只剩下零星的碎片。[00:37] But what she does remember is throwing up in the hall 她只记得 在迈克房间外的走廊上呕吐, 想起当迈克 outside Mikes room and staring at the wall silently while he 在她身体里时, 自己只能无声的盯着墙壁 等待着一 was inside her, wanting it to stop, then shakily stumbling 切快点结束, 然后,她跌跌撞撞的回了家。[00:40] home. She doesnt feel good about what happened, but she thinks, 对于所发生的一切,她并不觉得美好, 但她心 May be this is j ust what sex in college is? 想:



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