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TED演讲者 :Ole Scheeren | 奥雷 .舍人 演讲标题 :Why great architecture should tell a story | 为什么伟大的建筑物需要说故事 内容概要 :For architect Ole Scheeren, the people who live and work inside a building are as much a part of that building as concrete, steel and glass. He asks: Can architecture be about collaboration and storytelling instead of the isolation and hierarchy of a typical skyscraper? Visit five of Scheeren.s buildings — from a twisted tower in China to a floating cinema in the ocean in Thailand — and learn the stories behind them. 对建筑师奥雷 .舍人 (Ole Scheeren )而言 ,住在建筑物及在里面工作的人似乎也是建物的一部分 ,像是混 泥土 ,钢筋 ,玻璃一样。他问说 :建筑物可以有合作性、故事性 ,而不是仅有传统高楼大厦的疏离感吗 ?参 观他的五座建筑物—从一个在中国的扭曲大楼到泰国的水上电影院—并学习它们背后的故事。 www.XiYuS 锡育软件 For much of the past century, architecture was under the 过去好几个世纪, 建筑 在一条着名的理论魔咒之 spell of a famous doctrine. 下, [00:13] Form follows function had become modernitys ambitious 「型随机能」这个理论曾经一度成为当代的伟大宣 manifesto and detrimental straitjacket, as it liberated 言 及有害的的紧箍咒, 因为这句话虽让建筑 摆脱 architecture from the decorative, but condemned it to 了装饰的束缚, 但也同时宣判建筑 走向功利严谨 utilitarian rigor and restrained purpose. 且倍受约束的终点。[00:18] Of course, architecture is about function, but I want to 当然,建筑 与机能有关, 但我想向Bernard remember a rewriting of this phrase by Bernard Tschumi, Tschumi对这句话的重新改写致意, 并同时提出一 and I want to propose a completely different quality. 个我个人完全不同的见解。[00:32] If form follows fiction, we could think of architecture and 如果 「型随小说」, 我们可以这样想,建筑设计与建 buildings as a space of stories -- stories of the people that 筑 是一个空间的故事, 有关居住在那里的人的故 live there, of the people that work in these buildings. 事, 有关在里面工作的人的故事, [00:43] And we could start to imagine the experiences our buildings 我们可以开始想像我们的建筑 创造出来的经历。 create.



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