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TED演讲者 :Oded Shoseyov | 欧得·修日阿 演讲标题 :How were harnessing natures hidden superpowers | 我们如何驾驭大自然隐藏的超能力 内容概要 :What do you get when you combine the strongest materials from the plant world with the most elastic ones from the insect ingdom? Super-performing materials that might transform ... everything. Nanobiotechnologist Oded Shoseyov wal s us through examples of amazing materials found throughout nature, in everything from cat fleas to sequoia trees, and shows the creative ways his team is harnessing them in everything from sports shoes to medical implants. 若将植物王国中最强韧的物质与昆虫王国中最具弹性的材料合併 ,会得到什么呢 ?会得到性能超强、能改变 一切的物质。奈米生科学家欧得·修日阿 ,带领我们走进自然界 ,认识包括猫虱和红杉等动植物的特性 ,并创 造出可用于建筑、机器、衣物、运动鞋 ,以及医疗植入物的奇妙的物质。 www.XiYuS 锡育软件 Two hundred years of modern science. 现代科学两百年。[00:13 We have to admit that our performance is not great. 我们不得不承认 我们的表现不怎么好。[00:17 The machines we build continue to suffer from mechanical 我们建造的机器老是故障。[00:20 failures. The houses we build do not survive severe earthquakes. 我们盖的房子无法承受强烈地震。[00:25 But we shouldnt be so critical of our scientists for a simple 但我们不应苛责科学家,原因很简单: 他们的时间有 reason: they didnt have much time. 限。[00:29 Two hundred years is not a lot of time, while nature had three两百年并不长; 大 自然花了三十多亿年 使若干材料 billion years to perfect some of the most amazing materials, 臻于完美, 完美到我们希望拥有。[00:36 that we wish we had in our possession. Remember, these materials carry a quality assurance of three切记,这些材料有着三十亿年的品质保证。[00:48 billion years. Take, for example, sequoia trees. 以红杉为例:[00:55 They carry hundreds of tons for hundreds of years in cold 它们几百年来载重数百吨, 不论是天冷、天暖, 或 weather, in warm climates, UV light. 被紫外线照射。[00:57 Yet, if you look at the structure by high-resolution electron 若你用高倍率电子显微镜观察它的结构, 纳闷它是 microscopy, and you ask yourself, what i



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