外研版七年级下Module 10 A holiday journey课时训练.doc

外研版七年级下Module 10 A holiday journey课时训练.doc

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课时训练 自主学习, 当堂反馈 I. 预习可我呢, 完成下列表格 短语精选 前天 the day before yesterday 2. 在家休息 relax at home 例如 such as, take a walk 4. 购物 do some shopping 首先 first of all 6.排队等候 wait in line 7. 坐船 take a boat 8.照相 take photos of 交际用语 1. 里有许多世界著名的艺术作品,如《蒙娜丽莎》。 It has many world-famous works of art, such as the Mona Lisa. 他们买这么好的水果和蔬菜。 They sell such good fruit and vegetables. II. 根据句意,用for example或such as填空 1. I like drinks __________ tea and soda. 2. __________, my full name is James Allen Green. Green is my family name. 3. You can buy fruit here—oranges and bananas, __________. III. 根据汉语完成句子。 1. 他非常劳累,因此在家放松。 He was very tired, so he . 2. 那家超市卖蔬菜和水果。 The supermarket vegetables and fruit. 3.昨天爸爸为我买了一辆自行车。 My father a new bike me yesterday. 4. 她是一个很好的女孩。 She is _______________ nice girl. = She is _______________ a girl. IV. 单项填空 1. (  )—________? —It was July 5th, 2011. A.What’s the date today B.What was the date yesterday C.What day is it today D.What time is it 2. (  )The foreign visitors arrive ________ Beijing at 10:00 am. A.at    B. in C.to D.on 3. ( )We were very surprised to hear __________ news. A. such a B. so C. such —Don’t stop on the grass next time, Mike. —__________. A. Is that so? B. Don’t worry C. I don’t know D. Sorry, I won’t 5. — Did you enjoy the concert last night? — Very much. __________ wonderful concert it was! A. What B. What a C. How D. how a 参考答案 I. 略 II. 1. such as 2. For example 3. for example III . 1. relaxed at home 2. sells 3. bought; for 4. such a ; so nice a IV. 1-5 ABCDB



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