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TED演讲者 :Jennifer Kahn | 珍妮弗·卡恩 演讲标题 :Gene editing can now change an entire species -- forever | 基因剪辑现在可以永远改变整 个种群 内容概要 :CRISPR gene drives allow scientists to change sequences of DNA and guarantee that the resulting edited genetic trait is inherited by future generations, opening up the possibility of altering entire species forever. More than anything, the technology has led to questions: How will this new power affect humanity? What are we going to use it to change? Are we gods now? Join journalist Jennifer Kahn as she ponders these questions and shares a potentially powerful application of gene drives: the development of disease-resistant mosquitoes that could knock out malaria and Zika. CRISPR基因驱动装置允许科学家改变DNA序列 ,并确保编辑后性状可以遗传 ,开辟永远改变整个物种的可 能性。更重要的是 ,该技术引发了新的问题 :这项强大的新技术将如何影响人类 ?我们要使用它来改变什 么 ?我们要扮演上帝的角色吗 ?聆听记者珍妮弗·卡恩在演讲中对这些问题的思考 ,同时与我们分享了基因驱 动装置潜在的强大应用 :打造能够根除疟疾和寨卡病毒的抗病蚊子。 www.XiYuS 锡育软件 So this is a talk about gene drives, but Im going to start by 这是一个有关 基因驱动的演讲, 想象新的性状并 telling you a brief story. 没有一个像蚊子不会飞那样的[00:12] 20 years ago, a biologist named Anthony James got 20年前,一位名为安东尼·詹姆斯的 生物学家正致力 obsessed with the idea of making mosquitos that didnt 培育不会传播 疟疾的蚊子。[00:18] transmit malaria. It was a great idea, and pretty much a complete failure. 想法很好,但是结果是失败的。[00:27] For one thing, it turned out to be really hard to make a 首先,让蚊子不携带疟疾 是非常困难的。[00:32] malaria-resistant mosquito. James managed it, finally, j ust a few years ago, by adding 最终,詹姆斯在几年之前 这种情况不再是理所当然 some genes that make it impossible for the malaria parasite 的了。 蚊子抵抗疟原虫的寄生成为可能。[00:38] to survive inside the mosquito. But that j ust created another problem. 但是接下来还有一个问题。[00:47] Now that youve got a malaria-resistant mosquito, how do 我们有了抵抗疟疾的蚊子, 要如何替换那些携带疟 you get it to replace all the malaria-carrying mosquitos? 疾的蚊子呢



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