TED中英官方演讲稿-JenniferDoudna_2015G[詹妮弗 道娜][我们现在可以编辑我们的DNA_但要明智地对待它_].pdf

TED中英官方演讲稿-JenniferDoudna_2015G[詹妮弗 道娜][我们现在可以编辑我们的DNA_但要明智地对待它_].pdf

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TED演讲者 :Jennifer Doudna | 詹妮弗 道娜 演讲标题 :We can now edit our DNA. But let.s do it wisely | 我们现在可以编辑我们的DNA ,但要明智 地对待它。 内容概要 :Geneticist Jennifer Doudna co-invented a groundbreaking new tec nology for editing genes, called CRISPR-Cas9. T e tool allows scientists to make precise edits to DNA strands, w ic could lead to treatments for genetic diseases … but could also be used to create so-called designer babies. Doudna reviews ow CRISPR-Cas9 works — and asks t e scientific community to pause and discuss t e et ics of t is new tool. 遗传学专家詹妮弗道娜与同事共同发明了一种突破性的新技术”基因编辑技术 “,被称为CRISPR-Cas9。该 工具允许科学家们对DNA进行精确的编辑 ,这可能对遗传性疾病的治疗有帮助...但也可能会被用来创造所谓 的 “订制婴儿”。道娜展示了CRISPR-Cas9的作用原理——并要求科学界暂缓脚步 ,来讨论这个新工具背后 的伦理问题。 www.XiYuS 锡育软件 A few years ago, with my colleague, Emmanuelle Charpentier,几年前, 我 同事Emmanuelle Charpentier 发明 I invented a new technology for editing genomes. 了一个可以编辑基因组的新技术。[00:13] Its called CRISPR-Cas9. 它叫做 “CRISPR-Cas9” 。[00:21] The CRISPR technology allows scientists to make changes to CRISPR技术让科学家 可以改变细胞里的DNA, 从 the DNA in cells that could allow us to cure genetic disease. 而让我们能够治愈基因疾病。[00:23] You might be interested to know that the CRISPR technology 你可能有兴趣想知道, CRISPR技术其实来 自于一个 came about through a basic research proj ect that was aimed 基础的科学研究, 它的主要 目的是了解细菌如何与 at discovering how bacteria fight viral infections. 病毒感染进行对抗。[00:33] Bacteria have to deal with viruses in their environment, and 细菌必须在它们的环境里对付病毒。 我们可以这 we can think about a viral infection like a ticking time bomb 么想,病毒感染像是个定时炸弹, 只有几分钟时间可 -- a bacterium has only a few minutes to defuse the bomb 以拆除炸弹, 细菌在被消灭前。[00:43] before it gets destroyed. So, many bacteria have in their cells an adaptive immune 很多细菌在它们的细胞里有一种适应力免疫系统叫 system called CRISPR, that allows them to detect viral DNA 做 CRISPR , 它可以使细菌侦测到病毒DNA并消灭 and



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