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第 1 页 共 3 页 新编大学英语四级听力短对话每日 2 题 第 173 期 9. Q: What do we learn from this conversation? A) The man went to Australia during Christmas. B) The man visited Australia during the summer vacation. C) The man didnt have a good time because of the different weather. D) The manremained home while hisparents went to see his uncle. 10. Q: What did Mary say she was going to do? A) To attend a party at a classmates home. B) To do homework with her classmate. C) To attend an evening class. D) To have supper out with her classmate. 9. W: Where were you on Christmas David? I called you several times and nobody was home. M: My parents and I traveled to Australia to visit my uncle. It was quite an experience to spend Christmas in summer. 第 2 页 共 3 页 Q: What do we learn from this conversation? 参考译文: 女:戴维,你圣诞节去哪儿了?我给你打了好几次电话,都没人 接。 男:我父母和我一起去澳大利亚看我叔叔了。 在夏天过圣诞节 真是次难忘的经历。 问:我们能从对话中得知什么信息? 答案解析: 正确答案为 A。对话中女子问男子圣诞节去哪儿了,男子回答说 和父母一起去澳大利亚看叔叔了,因此可知, A 项正确,男子在圣诞 节去澳大利亚了。 B,男子暑假去了澳大利亚,对话中男子是圣诞节 去的澳大利亚,是冬天,因此 B 项与对话内容不符,排除。 C,由于 季节不同,男子玩得不好,对话中未涉及,排除。 D,男子的父母与 看他叔叔了, 而男子则呆在了家里, 对话中男子是和父母一起看叔叔 的,因此 D 项不符,排除。 10. M: Its seven oclock already. Mary should be home by now. W: Oh. Iforgot to tell you that she calledthis afternoon and told me that she was going to a party at her classmates house and wouldnt be home until 10. Q: What did Mary say she was going to do? 参考译文: 第 3 页 共 3 页 男:已经七点了。玛丽应该回来了啊。 女:哦,我忘了告诉你了,她下等打电话回来跟我说她要去同学 家参加派对,要 10 点才能回家。 问:玛丽说要去干什么? 答案解析: 正确答案为 A。对话中玛丽说晚上要去同学家参加派对,因此可 知 A 项正确。 B,和同学一起做作业, C,去夜校上课, D,和同学外 出吃晚饭,均与对话内容不符,排除。


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