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用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(C层) ??1.?My?sister?is?two?years? ?  (old)? than?I.?? ??2.?Who?sings? ?  (well),?John?or?Betty? ??3.?My?English?teacher?is?much?  ?   (serious)?than?my?other?teachers. ??4.?The?red?coat?is?as? ?  (long)?as?the?blue?one.? ??5.They?don’t?get?up?as? ?  (early)?as? us.? older better more serious long early 外研版八年级上册M2U1全文共32页,当前为第31页。 Finish your dialogue. 外研版八年级上册M2U1全文共32页,当前为第32页。 二组 张艳艳 张瑞 康鹤 徐林 外研版八年级上册M2U1全文共32页,当前为第1页。 Liu Xiang is tall. Pan Changjiang is short. Liu Xiang is taller than Pan Changjiang. 外研版八年级上册M2U1全文共32页,当前为第2页。 Liu Xiang is tall. Yao Ming is much taller than him. 外研版八年级上册M2U1全文共32页,当前为第3页。 London is old. Beijing is older than London. London is not so older as Beijing. 外研版八年级上册M2U1全文共32页,当前为第4页。 The apple is small. This orange is smaller than the apple. This orange is not as bigger as the apple. 外研版八年级上册M2U1全文共32页,当前为第5页。 This orange is as bigger as the apple. 外研版八年级上册M2U1全文共32页,当前为第6页。 Lin Xinru is thin. Liu Yifei is thinner. Liu Yifei is thinner than Lin Xinru. 45kg 48kg 外研版八年级上册M2U1全文共32页,当前为第7页。 The women are fat. The man and the woman are thin. The women are fatter than the man and the woman. 外研版八年级上册M2U1全文共32页,当前为第8页。 Look at the map and learn new words: north south west east capital coast island my hometown 外研版八年级上册M2U1全文共32页,当前为第9页。 1,000,000 = 1 million hill 1000 metre (1000m ) =1 kilometre (1km) — What are you going to do this weekend? — I’m going to Beijing. question answer high 外研版八年级上册M2U1全文共32页,当前为第10页。 shanghai Jinmao Tower Vitoria peak 金茂大厦(Jin Mao Tower),又称金茂大楼,位于上海浦东新区黄浦江畔的陆家嘴金融贸易区,楼高420.5米,目前是上海第2高的摩天大楼(截至2008年8月)、中国大陆第3高楼、世界第8高楼。 维多利亚港是位于香港的香港岛和九龙半岛之间的港口和海域,维多利亚港的名字,来自英国的维多利亚女王。维多利亚港是香港最珍贵的财富之一 香港太平山,英语:Victoria Peak,一般指“太平山山顶”,因而被香港人简称为山顶(英语:The Peak)。太平山原名“硬头山”,古称香炉峰,海拔552米,是香港岛的最高峰 外研版八年级上册M2U1全文共32页,当前为第11页。 Shanghai 23.5 420.5 Hongkong 7 552 外研版八年级上册M2U1全文共32页,当前为第12页。 1. So it’s a newer city than Hong Kong? 2. It’s getting bigger and busier. 3. That’s larger


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