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-- 新目标人教版七年级英语上册期末测试题 (总分:120 分 时间:12 0分钟) 姓名_______ 班级______ 分数_______ 一. 单项选择(共15 分) ( ) 1. ---What colo r is the bike? ---I t’s _______ oran ge. A. n B. C. / D . the ( ) 2. That is n’ th er bag. It’ s________. A. my B. I C. mine D .meﻫ ( ) 3. ---_______ _ is your f vor it esubjec t? - -- S cien ce.ﻫ A. Wha t B. Wh er e C. Wh ich D. How ( ) 4. - --________ i s th etoy? --- It’s on the bed. A. Wh o B. Wh ere C. What D. Wh ose ( ) 5. The shoes are to o old. P ut ________ ove r th ere . A. it B. they C. t he ir D. them ( ) 6 . ---W hose jac ket i sthi s? ---It’s _________ . A. Lucy B. Lucy’s C. Jim D . Jims ( ) 7. Th ecoat _______ p ur ple is his sister’s.ﻫ A . at B. in C. on D. wit hﻫ ( ) 8. The re are man y________ i n our s ch oo l. A. w oma n teachers B. woman teacherﻫ C. women teach e r D. women teachersﻫ ( ) 9. How muc h ______ the tr ouse rs? ________$20. A. is, it is B is, they’r e C. re, t hey a re n’t D. re,The yare ( ) 10、That is ______ pe n. _______ pen is on t he desk. A. my, Her B . I , Hers C . mine, Her D. her, I ( ) 11、—— D d, t his is my fri end, Tom. —— ____________ . A. H ow are you? B . Nice t omeet yo u !


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