IMF-中国货币政策传导与政策协调 Monetary Policy Transmission and Policy Coordination in China 2022.pptx

IMF-中国货币政策传导与政策协调 Monetary Policy Transmission and Policy Coordination in China 2022.pptx

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Monetary Policy Transmission and Policy Coordination in China;;IMF WORKING PAPERS;Monetary Policy Transmission and Policy Coordination in China;IMF WORKING PAPERS Monetary Policy Transmission and Policy Coordination in China constructing the shocks incorporates the People’s Bank of China’s (PBC) four main policy instruments: the required reserve ratio for banks (RRR), benchmark bank deposit and lending rates, the medium-term lendingfacility (MLF) rate, and the PBC 7-day reverse repo rate. As a separate, broader measure of monetary policy, we also include the release of PBC’s quarterly monetary policy reports, reforms in foreign exchange policy, and other changes to the MLF, in addition to the main policy instruments. To address the second challenge, we then employ textual analysis of the State Council website to measure coordination between monetary and fiscal policy. Textual analysis hasbeen increasingly used to studypolicy communications (Hansenet al., 2018). Using a dictionary-based approach, we search through news and meeting releases from the State Council for keywords relating to monetary and fiscal policies. We use joint occurrences of monetary and fiscal keywords to determine whether a monetarypolicy shock is coordinated with fiscal policy. With the high-frequency monetary shocks and text-based measure of monetary-fiscal coordination, we study the empirical effects of monetary policy on a range of interest rates including interbank rates, central and local government bond yields, and corporate bond spreads. Our results suggest some progress but also continued difficulties in the transmission of monetary policy. Similar to recent studies, we find evidence of monetary policy pass-through to interest rates. However, the impact of monetary policy measures that are not coordinated with fiscal policy is significantly weaker than that of coordinated measures. When uncoordinated measures do pass-through to interest rates, they have shorter-lived effects


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