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新概念英语第四册第十九单元单词学习 新概念英语第四册第十九单元单词学习 speculation 推测 /,spekjulei??n/ Your speculations were all quite close to the truth. 你的揣测都很接近于事实。 Speculation is a dangerous way of trying to make fortune. 做投机买卖是一种很危险的谋财之 道。 engage in speculation 从事投机 , 做投机生意 lead to the speculation 引起猜测 much given to speculation 想入非非 on speculation 投机 , 碰运气地 spread the speculation that 散播空气说 【搭配】ADJ. considerable, intense, much, widespread speculation 相当多的 / 强烈的 /多方的 / 广泛的猜测 fur ther, increasing, renewed speculation 进一步的推测;越来越多的猜测;新一轮的猜测 continuing, endless speculation 持续的猜测;无休止的猜测 pure speculation 纯属推测 mere speculation 推测而已 : Whether or not he will get the job is mere speculation. 他到底能否得到这份工作只是推测而 已。 wild speculation 无根据的猜测 fruitless, idle speculation 徒劳的猜测;毫无意义的推测 rife speculation 推测纷纷 : Speculation was rife as to whom the prince might marry. 大家都在推测王子会娶谁。 media, press speculation 媒体的臆测 metaphysical, philosophical speculation 形而上学的思辨;哲学思辨 【搭配】VERB + SPECULATION cause, encourage, fuel,give rise to, increase, intensify, invite, lead to, prompt , raise speculation 引发推测;加剧猜测 dampen, discourage, end, put an end to speculation 消除猜测;结束推测 dismiss speculation 打消猜测 indulge in speculation 恣意猜测 literally 确实 /lit ?r?li/ in a literal manner or sense; exactly 按照字面地,逐字地,确切地 The driver took it literally when asked to go straight over the roundabout. 司机以为真的让他直接 冲过环形路。 I have received literally thousands of letters. 我收到了好几千封信。 1 新概念英语第四册第十九单元单词学习 He translated the passage literally.他逐字逐句地翻译这段文字。 She was literally blue with cold. 她真的冷得全身青紫。 The children were literally starving. 孩子们的确是在挨饿。 The city was literally destroyed. 城市差不多全毁了。 odd 奇特的 different to what is usual or expected; strange 反常的;奇怪的 the neighbors thought him very odd. 邻居们认为他很怪。 It ’s odd that she didnt recognize me. 真怪,她竟没认出我来。 He has come to us every odd


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