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Economics Unit One economics /ek.??n?m.?ks/ 释 n. 经济学  production 释 n. 生产  /pr??d?k.??n/ Economics is the study of how trade, industry, or money is organized. scarce /ske?s/ 释 adj. 稀缺的 In wartime, food is often a scarce resource. factor /?f?k.t?r/ 释 n. 因素,要素 Price will be a major factor in the success of this 例 product.  The production of steel has risen over the years. good /ɡ?d/ 释 n. 产品、货物 There is a 25 percent discount on all electrical goods until the end of the week. service /?s??.v?s/ 释 n. 服务 The service industry can be seen as an indicator of an economy's level of development. factors of production /?f?k.t?rs ?v pr??d?k.??n/ 释 n. 生产要素 Factors of production usually include land, labour, capital, and enterprise. individual /??n.d??v?d?.u.?l/ 释 n. adj. 个人,个体;个人的,个体的  entrepreneur 释 n. 企业家 Bill Gates, Elon entrepreneurs. limited 释 adj. 有限的  /?? Mask and Jack Ma are all well-respected /?l?m.?.t?d/ The society is made up of different individuals from all walks of life. social /?s??.??l/ 释 adj. 社会的,社会性的 Poverty should be considered as a social problem and should be addressed by society as a whole. material /m??t??.ri.?l/ n. adj. 物质;物质性的 Raw materials are needed in the production of final goods and services. well-being /?wel?bi?.??/ 释 n. (由身心健康带来的)幸福感 We are responsible for the care and well-being of our parents. allocate /??l.?.ke?t/ v. 分配 The central government will allocate more funds for this project.  People of this region have a limited supply of freshwater. need /ni?d/ 释 v. n. 需要、需求 Food and shelter are two basic human needs. want /w?nt/ 释 v. n. 渴望 Not all human wants can be satisfied, considering the nature of the basic economic problem. finite /?fa?.na?t/ 释 adj. 有限的 We only have a finite amount of resources for this task. infinite /??n.f?.n?t/ 释 adj. 无限的 The potential of 5G technology is infinite. resource /r??z??s/ /?ri?.s??s/ 释 n. 资源 The country's greatest resource is the dedication of its workers. employed /?m?pl??d/ 释 adj. 受雇佣的(人或机械设备


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