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PAGE 1 XX市教师项目调研统计平台系统 摘 要 近年来,计算机行业迅速发展,已深入社会生活。各大软件项目也迅速兴起,不同程度地改变社会生活方式。其中,众多老师在教师育人的同时,也积极参与各种项目制作,奉献自己,提升自己。众多老师凭借自身能力取得优异成绩,获得奖项。为了对XX市高中和大学阶段的老师所创作的项目做出统计,要求设计软件平台进行系统统计,最终对获奖老师给予奖励,同时鼓励更多老师积极参与项目制作。本项目是应XX市教育局统计部通知,要求统计调研XX市参与项目的教师的获奖情况及个人基本信息,对统计信息进行汇总调研,最终以Excel表格的形式输出,完成统计。本系统为XX市参与项目制作的老师提供统一的登录窗口,用户登录系统后填写个人信息,填写完毕后系统自动保存并更新,然后填写系统所需调研统计信息,系统会在前端和后端实时监控,展示并修改数据库;调研统计日期截止后,系统停止,管理员从数据库倒库并整理成Excel表格。 关键词 XX市教师项目调研统计平台;调研统计平台用户;系统管理员;登陆管理。 XX?Teachers?Project?Research?and?Statistics?Platform?System Abstract In recent years, with the rapid development of computer industry, it has penetrated into social life. Major software projects are also rising rapidly, changing social life style to varying degrees. Among them, many teachers actively participate in all kinds of project production, contribute themselves and improve themselves while educating teachers. Many teachers have achieved excellent results and won awards by virtue of their own abilities. In order to make statistics on the projects created by teachers in XX City, it is required to design software platform for systematic statistics, and finally award the winning teachers, and encourage more teachers to actively participate in the project production. According to the notice of Statistics Department of Education Bureau of XX City, this project is to make statistics and Research on the awards and basic personal information of teachers participating in the project in XX City, summarize and research the statistical information, and finally output it in Excel form to complete the statistics. This system provides a unified login window for teachers participating in the project production in XX City. After the user logs in the system, he / she fills in his / her personal information, which is automatically saved and updated by the system, and then he / she fills in the survey statistics information required by the system. The system will monitor, display and modify the database in real time at the front en



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