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任务解析 子任务3. 掌握有关支付常用表达 Useful Sentences We wish to draw your attention… e.g. We wish to draw your attention to the fact that the date of shipment is approaching, but we still have not received your covering L/C up to date. Would you try your best to establish? 希望注意到装运期日益临近,但我方直到现在还没收到你方相关信用证。请你方尽快开立。 Would you try your best to…. e.g. Would you try your best to rush the L/C so as to enable us to effect shipment within the stipulated time. 你方能否尽快开立信用证,以便我方按合同规定的时间装运货物? We are pleased to have received your L/C No.… e.g. We are pleased to have received your L/C No. 1234 covering your order for 1,000kg green tea. 很高兴收到贵方1234号信用证,用以支付贵方所订购的1,000公斤绿茶。 外贸英文函电基础 任务解析 子任务3. 掌握有关支付常用表达 Useful Sentences We regret to find that it contains some discrepancies… e.g. Upon checking the L/C with the contract, we regret to find that it contains some discrepancies which please amend as follows. 经与合同核查,我方遗憾地发现信用证包括一些不符之处需要做如下修改。 We would appreciate… e.g. We would appreciate your extending the shipment date. 感谢贵方延期装船日期。 We regret to have to ask you to amend… e.g. We regret to have to ask you to amend the L/C as follows… 我方很抱歉不得不要求你方对信用证做如下修改…… 外贸英文函电基础 任务解析 子任务3. 掌握有关支付常用表达 Useful Sentences In order to expedite delivery of the goods, we have to request you to… e.g. In order to expedite delivery of the goods, we have to request you to amend the relevant L/C according to the contract terms. 为了加快货物的装运我方不得不要求你方根据合同修改相关信用证。 In view of the above, please increase … e.g. In view of the above, please increase the amount of your L/C by $360. 考虑上述情况,请增加信用证金额360美元。 Please see to it that… e.g. Please see to it that the L/C extension should reach here before June 30. 请注意信用证展期通知要6月30日之前到达我处。 外贸英文函电基础 任务实训 工作任务(一) 按照合同规定,Brown一方开立了信用证,按要求,写一封开出信用证通知函: 通知对方信用证已经由美国花旗银行开出。 该信用证有效期为2012年12月30日。 近几天内你方将会收到该信用证。 外贸英文函电基础 任务实训 工作任务(二) Zhanghui收到信用证后发现有几处与销售合同不一致的地方。依据信用证和合同,找出不一致的地方,并按照此内容给Brown写一封改证函。 1)出口方公司名称错误。 2)销售合同中允许转运,信用证中表明不可以转运。 3)销售合同中货物数量和金额允许的范围是5%,信 用证中没有这一项。 4)出发港是上海。



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