C语言程序设计经典教程(英文) 清华.pdfVIP

C语言程序设计经典教程(英文) 清华.pdf

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Instructor’s Manual for C How to Program, 4/e Deitel Deitel © Copyright 1992–2004 by Deitel Associates, Inc. and Pearson Education Inc. All Rights Reserved. Contents 1 Introduction to Computers, the Internet and the World Wide Web 1 2 Introduction to C Programming 5 3 Structured Program Development in C 19 4 C Program Control 55 5 C Functions 97 6 C Arrays 169 7 Pointers 233 8 C Characters and Strings 283 9 C Formatted Input/Output 319 10 Structures, Unions, Bit Manipulations and Enumerations 333 11 C File Processing 353 12 Data Structures 375 II 13 The Preprocessor 441 14 Other C Topics 447 15 C++ as a “Better C” 457 16 C++ Classes and Data Abstraction 463 17 C++ Classes: Part II 485 18 C++ Operator Overloading 493 19 C++ Inheritance 499 20 C++ Virtual Functions and Polymorphism 511 21 C++ Stream Input/Outp


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