sol case study按一下以編輯母片文字樣式.pptx

sol case study按一下以編輯母片文字樣式.pptx

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SOL BEER CASE STUDY — Group1: The First Flagship;We are facing great challenge: declining volume/sales in a fast-growing market;Exported beer market is dynamic; Competitors are gaining penetration growing much faster;But, why?;Go back to consumers, look for insights to inspire/enlighten us:;So what should we do?;Business Objectives;Through brand restage CI, our goal is to:;Rebuild the brand WHO…;Sufficiency ;;;SOL Barriers Objectives;;contact;KV;DON’T MISS TONIGHT;;PACKAGING;TVC;;;SOL;;LIVE THE MOMENT;SOL;Digital;Campaign Mechanism: Create your “high” movie when world is ending ;Mobile APP: Find My “Refuge” ;PR Event;BTL Strategy;Customer;Consumers;Drive awareness;Drive trial;THANK YOU!;Appendix;Draught (Consume at Pub) Traditionally most preferred Format Has a declining trend because of bad economy condition which leads to dropped in annually per capita beer consumption. Consuming Beer at Home Beer was usually packaged and was lower priced Gaining popularity ;Age: 18 -35 Leisure activities: Cinema, shopping and socializing in bar, clubs and restaurants Appearance: Well dressed and groomed Touch Points: Watch TV and read magazine (keep up with recent trends) Off-license Consumption: Brand Choice Factors: 1. Consumer familiarity and 2. special promotional offers Can is preferred over bottle at home On-License Consumption Predominant Location: Club Premium bottled lager was highly preferred Impression on Draught: lower in taste, watery, weak Impression on non-Premium Bottled Lager: Reliable but weak, low in taste, poor in value and boring ; Alcoholic Strength (Most important attribute) Consumer usually judge the alcohol content by bottle color (e.g. Alcohol content is perceived: dark clear and brown green Strength is important because It gets the consumers into the right mood to cope with social activities Stronger beer is also considered to have a better taste Higher Strength justified a higher price More quickly for intoxication (醉) Flavor More


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