Fuji富士电机-仪器仪表操作说明书-FLV,FLW 设置型超声波流量计(单测量线型)(英文).pdf

Fuji富士电机-仪器仪表操作说明书-FLV,FLW 设置型超声波流量计(单测量线型)(英文).pdf

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Instruction Manual ULTRASONIC FLOWMETER TYPE: FLV FLW, FLD ULTRASONIC FLOW METER INF-TN3FLVa-E PREFACE We are grateful for your purchase of Fuji Electric’s Ultrasonic flowmeter. • First read this instruction manual carefully until an adequate understanding is acquired, and then proceed to installation, operation and maintenance of the converter (sensor) of the ultrasonic flowmeter. Wrong handling may cause an accident or injury. • The specifications of this flowmeter will be changed without prior notice for further product improvement. • Modification of this flowmeter is strictly prohibited unless a written approval is ob- tained from the manufacturer. Fuji Electric will not bear any responsibility for a trouble caused by such a modification. • This instruction manual shall be stored by the person who actually uses the flowmeter. • After reading the manual, be sure to store it at a place easier to access. • This instruction manual should be delivered to the end user without fail. Manufacturer: Fuji Electric Instrumentation Co., Ltd. Type: Described in Fuji Electric’s company nameplate on main frame Date of manufacture: Described in Fuji Electric’s company nameplate on main frame Product nationality: Ja



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