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2022年高考最新热点时文阅读-冬奥与24节气 话题背景:“春风如贵客,一到便繁华”“天地始交,万物并秀”“露从今夜白,月是故乡明……”北京冬奥会开幕式的倒计时方式,以中国二十四节气的时间推进感,取代传统的阿拉伯数字倒数方式,在开幕式一开篇就向世界展现本届开幕式的中国风格、中国气质,向全世界讲述中国传统文化。 题型 主要内容 1 七选五 讲述大雪这个节气的相关知识 2 阅读理解 介绍了联合国中文日换到每年4月20的原因(对“谷雨”的尊重),2021年该节日的主题,以及中文在联合国官方语言中地位的变化 3 语法填空 介绍了24节气的历史来源和它的意义 4 语法填空 介绍了我国“二十四节气”的由来及其作用 01 (2022·重庆南开中学高三阶段练习)24 Solar Terms: 5 things about Major Snow Major Snow, the 21st solar term of the year, which falls on Dec 7 this year. During Major Snow, the snow becomes heavy and begins to accumulate on the ground. The temperature drops significantly. Here are 5 things you should know about Major Snow. Snowy winter The snow in North China may last a whole day, breaking tree branches and blocking the road. In the south, snowflakes fall and the world turns white. A proverb about the snow says, A timely snow promises a good harvest. ___1___ ______2______ The red plum blossoms (梅花) in contrast with the white snowy world is a feast for the eyes and have inspired many great poems. The plum blossom, which originated in China, is respected in Chinese culture for its bravery against severe winters. Eating lamb Lamb is a favorite food for Chinese people during Major Snow. _____3_____ People in Chongqing like to have potted lamb soup with their families and friends. Nanjing residents like to stew lamb with some plants to make it more nutritious. Making sausages During Major Snow, people in southern China make sausages, an important part of preparation for the Spring Festival.____4____. The sausage should be dried in the shade, and is edible after a week. Preventing respiratory (呼吸道的) illness During this period, Chinese people watch for outbreaks of respiratory illness, which can be prevented by wearing a warm scarf to protect the neck and properly drinking water.______5______. At the same time, dont drink cold water after exercise. A.Writing poems about snow B.Appreciating plum blossoms C.But you should not drink too much water at a time D.Drink as much water as



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