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2022年高考最新热点时文阅读-北京冬奥:可持续向未来 题型 主要内容 1 阅读理解 讲述了2022年北京冬奥会重视和践行绿色环保理念 2 阅读理解 介绍了北京冬奥冰场使用的二氧化碳制冰技术为奥运会上首次采用的最先进制冰技术,为绿色冬奥助力 3 七选五 介绍了2022年北京冬奥会的低碳举措 4 语法填空 介绍了北京冬奥使用绿色能源,实施低碳排放计划和其他建设情况 5 语法填空 张家口正在为“绿色奥运”做准备,并承诺将尽可能做到环境可持续发展 在北京冬奥会25个场馆中,有11个都是2008年北京奥运会的“遗产”,比如鸟巢、冰立方。同时通过低碳场馆、低碳交通、低碳能源实现碳中和,赛时全部场馆100%绿色电力供应,80%的交通设施由节能汽车或清洁能源汽车组成。北京冬奥会坚持生态优先、绿色发展、资源节约、环境友好,为冬奥会打下美丽中国底色。充分利用奥运场馆,从源头减少碳排放,正在进行中的北京冬奥会,将是首届全面实现碳中和的冬奥赛事。 01 (安徽省淮北市2022届高三第一次模拟考试英语试题)Beijing set a target to hold “high-tech Winter Games” after it won the bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics. Soon after, China’s Ministry of Science and Technology was made the leading party to provide technical support for the Games. In collaboration with relevant parties, it drew up the “Action Plan for Science and Technology at the Winter Olympics,” the results of which were applied in this year’s test events. “During the test events in February and April this year, we tested and applied 133 types of techs in a number of key areas. Since October, another 228 pieces of technologies have been tested and applied in test events, athlete training schedules and prep work for the winter games,” said Wu Yuanbin, director of the ministry’s Social Scientific Development Department, during a press conference. For the Games next year, high-tech will be applied for four proposes: support COVID-19 measures, reduce carbon emissions, ensure the safety of the events and create a better viewing experience for the viewers. To achieve these results, a number of new and experimental techs will be used, including 5G and hydrogen vehicles. “The much-anticipated 5G signals will cover all venues, including the roads that connect them. This will provide network connectivity for applications such as ultra-high-definition video and smart services. Eighty hydrogen vehicles were tested in Zhangjiakou. And during the Winter Games, more than 700 hydrogen buses will be stationed in Yanqing and Zhangjiakou to provide transportation,” said Yu Hong, director


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