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2022年高考最新热点时文阅读-3.8了不起的她 题型 主要内容 1 语法填空 介绍了谷爱凌在冬季奥运会自由式滑雪大跳台项目中获得金牌的事迹 2 语法填空 介绍了辽宁舰上唯一一名女性甲板作战官——哈萨克族的雷米拉·达布尔。 3 语法填空 讲述了屠呦呦获得诺贝尔奖,并简单介绍了她发明青蒿素的过程 4 阅读理解 通过贝阿特丽斯遭遇双腿截肢,却仍然不屈不挠、努力拼搏走向东京残奥会的感人故事,阐述了“只要努力,一切皆有可能”的道理 5 完形填空 介绍了女子职业高尔夫协会(LPGA)的联合创始人Babe在她成名的巅峰时期被诊断出患有癌症,但是她不放弃,重返赛场,并为推进女子体育的理想做了大量的工作。 话题背景:历史的每一步前行、社会的每一点进步,都离不开女性的力量。在新时代下,“妇女能顶半边天”这句话,说得不仅仅是女性地位的提升,它更多意味着,在各个领域,都有“巾帼英雄”,她们自强不息、开拓进取,为社会的发展,贡献着不可或缺的力量,展现着女性智慧和光芒。今天是“三八”国际妇女节,我们一起感受不同时代女性不一样的力量与风采。 01 (2022·陕西·西安中学二模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 The home crowd erupted when China’s Eileen Gu won the Women’s Freeski Big Air gold in Beijing. Gu jumped into the top position with her third run, ____1____(score) 94.50. Her total score was 188.25 in the event’s debut at the Winter Olympics. The 18-year-old,who also ____2____(go) by her Chinese name, Gu Ailing, is a freestyle skier, model and grade-A student with ____3____ American father and a Chinese mother. She grew up in the United States. It was there ____4____ she grew to love skiing. By 2018, she was representing the US in the world cup for the sport. Then, she decided to switch from representing the US ____5____ representing China. The decision met with shock and ____6____(confuse) from her growing fan base but Gu was ____7____(determine), sharing her reasoning on Instagram at the time. “This was an ____8____(incredible) tough decision for me to make...Through skiing, I hope to unite people, promote common understanding, create communication and forge friendships between____9____(nation). If I can help to inspire one young girl ____10____(break) a boundary, my wishes will have come true.” 02 (2022·福建厦门·二模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Many excellent warship crews have been trained on aircraft carrier the Liaoning of the Peoples Liberation Army Navy. As the only female deck operation officer on it, Remila Dabul of Kazak ethnicity (哈萨克族), whose story ___11___(report) by the media in January, has attracted much public attention. Before working on



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