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沪教版九年级(初三)英语第一学期试用本全套PPT课件;Ancient Greece;CONTENTS PAGE;; This is a soldier’s room. It is in a mess. The captain is giving him some orders to clean it.;The soldier has swept the floor. ____ He has not made the bed. ____ He has washed the dishes. ____ He has not painted the wall. ____; Later the soldier reports to the captain. This is part of what he says. Look at the picture below and complete the sentences with have or have not, and suitable verbs.; The captain also asks the soldier some questions. Complete the questions and answers with Yes or No, have or haven’t and suitable verbs. The first one has been done for you.;; Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the following questions. Reply positively or negatively. Follow the example.; Hans and his sister Anna are German. They plan to visit their friend Eric and his sister Doris in China. Hans phones Eric about the trip. Read their conversation, put the verbs in the right tense, and add just, already or yet.;;Hans answers questions (2), (6) and (8) like this: Yes, I have. He answers all the other questions like this: No, I’ve never been in a __________. OR No, I’ve never had a __________. OR No, I’ve never seen a __________.;Have you ever been in a (1) cable car? (2) maglev train? (3) temple?; Eric takes Hans out for a walk. He leaves a note about the above conversation for his sister Doris. Complete the note below with information in C1.;;Where does Hans live? He _______ in _______. How long has Hans lived in Hamburg? He _______ _______ there _______ _______.; Doris is talking about herself. Read what she says, and say whether the following statements are T (True) or F (False). Correct any false statements.; Write three similar sentences about yourself. Use Doris’ speech in D2 to help you.;; Read the sentences in brackets about different people. Then complete the sentences below with been or gone.;Tradit


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