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上海外语教育出版社(初中一年级)七年级英语第一学期试用本全套PPT课件;;New words: 1.choose(v.)—chose/chosen choose…from 从…选择 (n.)---choice 2.in the centre of … 3.face n.v. face south 朝南 make faces/a face做鬼脸 face to face面对面;5.agree (v.) agree with sb 同意某人的建议 agree on sth 对某事意见一致 agree to (do) sth 同意,答应做某事 I don’t __________ you. Do you _____________ carry out my plan? We couldn’t __________ a date to meet.;1. Building 2 is nearer to the light rail station than Building 1,but Building 3 is nearer to the light rail station than Building 2.Building 3 is the nearest building of the three to the light rail station. 2. The basketball match is earlier than the badminton match, but the football match is earlier than the basketball match. The football match is the earliest of the three.;3. Peter runs more quickly than Billy, but Tom runs more quickly than Peter. Tom runs the most quickly of the three. 4. Lily does her homework more carefully than Mary ,but Jane does her homework more carefully than Lily. Jane does her homework the most carefully of the three.;Key points: 1.the Wangs姓王的一家人 英语中往往在姓前加the,后面用复数,表示这一家人 the Lis/the Smiths 2.talk about 谈论 我们常谈论足球. We often talk about football. 3.It’s only 42 square metres. =It has (only an area of) 42 square metres. How large/big is it?;4.情态动词:need+v.; 5.你认为怎样?我也这样认为. What do you think? I think so, too. I don’t think watching TV is a waste of time. 6.face south/north in the south/the north 方位词前一般要加the,但在face后不用 7.与某人保持一致看法 agree with sb (宾格)  I agree with him. 8.公共交通  一个地铁站  一个轻轨站 购物中心;9.have a better view有更好的风景 have a good view有好的风景 Flat A has a better view than Flat B. 10.around here在这一带 11.have a look (at)=look at Come and have a look at my new computer. 12.this weekend本周末 this, that和next前一般不加介词 We will have an outing this Saturday. My father is going to Australia next weekend. ;Comprehension Check: The Wangs


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