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东莞理工学院城市学院 本 科 毕 业 论 文 基于cortex-A8数码相框设计 摘 要 随着计算机科学的发展和计算机的普及,计算机已经和人们的日常生活密切联系在一起,同时相册在随着计算机发展和普及,也发生了新的变化,各种各样的制作电子相册的软件也陆续发展.现如今很少有人在抱着厚厚的影集来追忆过去的美好时光,取而代之的是电子相册。电子相册是指可以在电脑上观赏的区别于CD/VCD的静止图片的特殊文档,其内容不局限于摄影照片,也可以包括各种艺术创作图片。电子相册具有传统相册无法比拟的优越性:图、文、声、像并茂的表现手法,随意修改编辑的功能,快速的检索方式,永不褪色的恒久保存特性,以及廉价复制分发的优越手段。 本系统设计的数码相框拥有播放图片与音乐的功能,为相片播放加入了可编辑的显示效果,使图片的播放更加生动。 关键词: 电子相册 cortex-A8 扩展性 可编辑 特效显示 ABSTRACT With the popularity of the computer and the development of computer science, computer has already closely linked with our daily life. At the same time, album also changed with this new trend. All kinds of electronic photo album have taken the place of traditional album, and nowadays people don’t use traditional album to recall the past time any more, instead, they use electronic photo album. Electronic photo album refers to a special document that can watch on the computer, but different from CD/DVD these motionless pictures. It not only can be used to display photographic photos, but also any kinds of art pictures. It has unique advantages that traditional album don’t have, such as: vivid expression, modify and edit function, faster way to retrieve, permanent preservation and cheap copy distribution. In this essay, we will firstly introduce “what is electronic photo album” and “the hardware/ software architecture of making it.” Then we will detail the design, development and various problems’ solutions of the electronic photo album through the examples. The digital photo frame designed by this system can play pictures and music together. It enable the picture display’s dynamic can be edited and more vividly. Key points: Electronic Photo Album Cortex-A8 Expansibility Editability Special effects display 目 录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \u 11803 1.1选题背景 1 12267 1.2 数码相框种类 2 15842 1.3 选题原因 2 19789 1.4数码相框发展与现状 3 23242 2.系统方案设计与器件选择 5 291 2.1 系统方案设计 5 17889 2.2 器件、系统选择 6 15491 3. Liunx系统搭建 11 16356 3.1嵌入式交叉编译 11 15966 3.2 NFS挂载 12


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