【教案】仁爱版八年级下册Unit 5 Topic 2 Section A 教案.docxVIP

【教案】仁爱版八年级下册Unit 5 Topic 2 Section A 教案.docx

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Unit 5 Topic2 Section A 重点单词 考试 n. exam 严格的;严密的 adj. strict 对……严格要求 be strict with 害羞的 adj. shy 别紧张,别着急 take it easy 重点词组 look worried 看起来忧虑 seem to do sth. 似乎要做…… do badly in doing sth. 在……做得差 be strict with ... 对……要求严格 feel lonely 感到孤独 be worried about = worry about担心…… fall down 摔倒 get angry 生气 send sth. to sb. = send sb. sth.送某物给某人 take it easy 别紧张,别着急 重点句型 1. Take it easy, and don’t be too strict with yourself. 2. Try to talk to others, and you’ll be happy again. 知识点01 seem作系动词,意为“似乎,好像,具体用法见Uit5 Topic 1。注意:seem to.和“It seems/seemed that+从句”可互换。eg.He seems to know the address.=It seems that he knows theaddress. 【练1】Lucy seemed very happy when she knew that she had passed the exam. A.was B.be C.to be D.that be 知识点02do badly in sth./doing sth.在某方面做得糟糕。其反义词组为:be good at sth./doing sth.  =do well in sth./doing sth.擅长(做)某事。 【练2】- my surprise,Jin Ming was chosen into our school football team. -Congratulations.He did well playing football when he was very young.I hope he'll be the best player in our school. A.To;of B.At;at C.To;in D.In;about 知识点03be strict with sb.对某人要求严格,e.g.Our teachers are strict with us in study.be strict about/in sth.对某事要求严格。e.g.My mother is strict in/about my study. 【练3】一We must be strict ourselves.-I think so. A.with B.on C.in D.by 知识点04lonely,形容词,意为“孤独的,寂寞的”常作定语,e.g.a lonely room;或作表语, e.g.feel lonely,lonely强调人的心理,有感情色彩,即主观。alone意为“孤独的,寂寞的”,可作副词或形容词,常作状语。e.g.She left for Beijing alone yesterday.或作表语,e.g.be alone。 alone无感情色彩,强调客观。e.g.He lives alone but he never feels lonely. 【练4】Old Mr.Green doesn't feel because some students visit him regularly. A.sadly B.gently C.lonely D.angrily 知识点05have a talk with sb.“和某人交谈”,此处talk为名词。拓展:have a talk with sb.=talkwith sb.(此处的talk为动词).e.g.You should have a talk with your teacher.=You should talk with your teacher. 【练5】He's not a perfect child.He sometimes talks back when his parents talk him. A.with B.about C.from  D.of 知识点06be worried about.对……感



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