新编大学英语(第四版) 视听说教程2教学课件B2U4.pptx

新编大学英语(第四版) 视听说教程2教学课件B2U4.pptx

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4;Warming up Listening speaking Viewing speaking Unit project Further listening;;;;;;;;;;News report Conversation Passage 1 Passage 2; WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS ;Listen to a news report and complete the outline with what you hear. ;Listen to a news report and complete the outline with what you hear. ;;;Gender equality for both men and women If you decide to present a petition to the local government against dress codes that discriminate against women in the workplace, what are you going to say in each of the following aspects? ? The nature of the problem ? Why it needs to be fixed ? A specific call to action that will address the problem ;;;Gender equality for both men and women When we hear the term “gender inequality,” the first thing that comes to our mind is inequality faced by women, like unfair dress codes for women in the workplace. We often neglect that men could also be victims of gender inequality. Could you give examples of gender inequality faced by men? ;;;;Conversation;1;1;;1;1;1;1;1;;;;1;;;SPEAKING TIPS;1;Listen to a passage and complete the outline with what you hear. ;Listen to a passage and complete the outline with what you hear. ;Listen to the passage again and complete the answer to each of the questions. ;;;;Consequences of gender stereotypes in jobs Like jobs in technology, some jobs are gender-stereotyped. For example, firefighting is often thought of as a man’s job, whereas nursing a woman’s job. What do you think are the consequences of stereotyping a job as men’s work or women’s work? ;;Breaking gender stereotypes in jobs The speaker suggests in the passage that different organizations should work together to close the gender gap in technology. What specific things do you think can be done to address gender-stereotyping in jobs? ;;;Passage 2;Passage 2;;;1;1;1;Passage 2;Passage 2;1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Your brain took the shadow into account and made assumptions that this square was darker based on the checkerb


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