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Listening Exercises Waiter: Here is the plaices salad. ___________________(1)? Reagan: Yes, it’s ours. And we have ordered another dish—Italian style fried bacon rolls. Waiter:_______________________(2). Reagan: What is this? Waiter: It’s scrambled egg. Reagan: _____________________________(3). We ordered a scrambled egg with tomato. Waiter: Im sorry, sir.______________________(4). Reagan: That’s all right. _______________________________(5). Waiter: Here is your pork chop with red wine. Reagan: I dont think I like it. __________________________________(6)? Waiter: I am afraid not. Once it’s served, it cant be exchanged. Reagan: Very well. Waiter: Thank you. Reagan: We have a meeting at noon.___________________________(7)? Waiter: Certainly. Reagan: Thank you very much. 4. Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing words. Oral Practice Pair work. Role-play the following situation. Student A: You are a hotel guest and are sitting in the Chinese Restaurant of the hotel waiting for the dish youve ordered. But finally the waiter sends your dish to the wrong table. You have no time to wait for another order because you have a meeting in half an hour. Student B: You are a supervisor. Apologize and ask if the guest is staying at the hotel. Tell him youll send complimentary fruit to his room at 8:00 this evening. Pair work. Role-play the following situations. Unit 19 Paying the Bill ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← Unit 19 Learning Objectives Introduction to Paying the Bill Vocabulary Key Expressions Listening Exercises Oral Practice ← Gain some knowledge about paying the bill Be familiar with relevant expressions Be able to use the useful expressions skillfully in working situations Introduction to Paying the Bill Discuss the following questions with your partner. How would you pay the bill in a restaurant? How many ways of payment do you know in a restaurant? Which way do you prefer to pay the bill in restaurant? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the



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