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第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 4 页 外研版八年级下册英语各单元作文写作思路及范文精编 Module1 话题:最喜爱的老师 假如你最喜欢的老师是Mr/Ms Wang。 请根据下列提示,以“My Favourite Teacher” 为题目,用英语写一篇短文。80词左右。 要求:必须包括以下两个方面的内容,括号内的提示词可以任意选择或适当发挥。 my favourite teacher:1.description (appearance;character...) 2.the best quality (kind;warm-hearted;strict;helpful...) 【写作思路】 范文: My Favourite Teacher My favourite teacher is Ms Wang. She is a kind and beautiful person. Ms Wang is a 36--year--old woman. She is tall and has long straight hair.And she often wears black pants and a white shirt. She teaches us English. We all like listening to her. Her classes are very interesting and creative because she has different ways of teaching. But she is very strict with us in everything. She is warm--hearted. We all know she is always ready to help others. When we are in trouble she will try her best to help us. We all like her, and she likes us, too. Module2 话题:旅游经历 假设你是王琳,你英国的笔友Susan想来北京旅游,给你发邮件想了解北京的情况, 请根据提示给她回复,将你自己曾到北京旅游的情况简单介绍一下,80词左右。 提示:1.自己曾到北京旅游多次,到过长城、鸟巢(the Birds Nest)和水立方(the Water Cube),拍了许多照片; 2.曾与外国人交谈,提高了自己的口语(spoken English)。 【写作思路】 范文: Dear Susan, Im glad to hear that you will come to Beijing. I have been to Beijing many times.So I will give you some advice on visiting Beijing. Beijing has many places of interest. I have climbed the Great Wall and visited the Birds Nest and the Water Cube. All of them are fantastic places. I have taken lots of photos there. I tasted the famous Beijing Roast Duck. Its really delicious. I have also had a conversation with foreign people. That helped me improve my spoken English. When you come to China, you can talk with me and other Chinese to improve. your Chinese. Im looking forward to your coming, and Im sure that you will have a wonderful and unforgettable trip. Yours, Wang Lin Module4 话题:保持 健康是中学生学习的保障,但是网络抢走了我们的锻炼时间,垃圾食品威胁着我们的健康。请根据下面的提示,以“How to keep healthy ”为题写一篇英语短文。80词左右。 提示:1.坚持锻炼; 2.健康饮食; 3.合理上网; 4.充足的睡眠; 5.保持愉快的心情。 【写作思路】 范文: How to keep healthy Its important for us to keep h



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