Unit1Welcometotheunitreading知识点- 高中英语牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第四册.docxVIP

Unit1Welcometotheunitreading知识点- 高中英语牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第四册.docx

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PAGE PAGE 2 Unit 1 welcome to the unit--Reading 重点短语和句型 1.Honesty and responsibility are at the core of our moral values诚实和责任是我们的道德价值观的核心。 at the core of …的中心、核心 2.You are practising responsibility你是在实践责任 ? 认真对待协议take agreements seriously ? 纠正错误,而不是责怪别人correct mistakes rather than blaming others; ? 想想你的行动会如何影响他人think about how your actions will affect others; ? 尽你所能做一切事情 do everything to the best of your ability ? 说出真相,说出你真正的想法;tell the truth and say what you really think; ?遵守规则行事,不试图不公平地利用他人; play by the rules and do not try to take unfair advantage of others; ? 遵守诺言,不做出你不能兑现的承诺;keep promises and do not make promises you cannot keep; ? 准备好承认错误了are prepared to admit mistakes. Reading After Twenty Years from time to time=sometimes=at times 有时;偶尔; People find themselves in situations where they have to make a difficult choice concerning their moral values.人们发现自己不得不对自己的道德价值观做出艰难的选择。Concerning 介词 与...有关 3.the policeman on the beat正在巡逻的警察 4. It was barely ten o’clock at night. 现在勉强晚上十点钟。 5.around a certain block在某个街区附近, 6.In the doorway of a store stood a man, with an unlit cigar in his mouth.在一家商店的门口站着一个男人,嘴里叼着一支没有点燃的雪茄。 该句地点状语位于句首,构成了 倒装句 7.walk up to him 走到他面前 8.speak up 大声点说;明确表态 9.It’s an appointment这是一个约会/约定 10.There used to be a restaurant this store stands.It was torn down then.”.这家商店那里曾经有一家餐馆。那时它被拆除了。” 11.The man in the doorway struck a match and lit his cigar. The light showed a pale face, with eyes, a and a little white near his right . 他眼睛敏锐,方形下巴,右眉毛附近有一道白色小伤疤。 12.His scarf pin was a large diamond, .他的围巾是一颗大钻石,镶嵌得很奇怪. 13. travel to the West to make my fortune 去西部旅行来赚钱 14.We figured that我们认为 in twenty years each of us ought to have built a life and made our fortunes. 应该建立了一个生活,赚了钱 Ought to have done=should have done “Rather a long time between meetings, though. Haven’t you heard from your friend since you left?”不过,聚会/相会之间的时间相当长。你离开后,就没有收到你朋友的消息吗?” hear from sb得到(某人)的消息,接到(某人)的信 we kept in to



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