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旅游志愿者服务平台建设现状与对策研究 摘要 近年来,越来越多旅游者已经不单单局限于旅游目的地等物质需求,大众已经从报旅行社跟从旅行团的固定旅游模式中走出,对于自身在旅游活动中的参与性需求越来越强烈,对于旅游质量、服务品质的需求日益提高与关注,对旅游志愿者服务的功能多样化的需求日益显著,不难看出,游客的直观感受以及满意度与旅游志愿者服务的态度、效率有着密切的关系,现如今,越来越多的国民想要深入了解旅游志愿者服务的内容与性质。但是现阶段我国旅游志愿者服务还处于初级阶段,对服务内容以及管理机制等方面都还有所欠缺,对于旅游志愿者服务体系的构建以及对旅游志愿者服务平台的搭建还需要根据我国旅游业及旅游志愿者服务的现状提出因地制宜的措施来进一步加强与完善。旅游志愿者服务平台推广力度不够、旅游志愿者的人员结构单一,旅游志愿者的服务认知度、参与度不高,了解、参与的人群基数太少等问题都是我国旅游志愿者服务依旧需要不断改进的。 本文主要根据现阶段我国旅游行业的发展状态,以我国旅游志愿者服务在旅游业发展中发挥的重要作用为基准,通过对我国旅游者对旅游志愿者服务平台的感知情况的调查研究,并对调查结果深入分析,基于现有文献的理论依据,对现有的文献进行提炼与归纳,结合国内外现状,提出较为切实可行的解决方案。 关键词:旅游志愿者;志愿者服务;平台建设 Research on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of Tourism Volunteer Service Platform Construction Abstract In recent years, more and more tourists have not only limited to the needs of tourism and other material needs, the public has been reported from the travel agency to follow the tour groups fixed travel model out of their own tourism activities in the growing demand for more intense , The demand for tourism quality and quality of service is increasing and attention. The demand for diversification of tourism volunteer service is becoming more and more obvious. It is easy to see that the intuitive feeling and satisfaction of tourists are closely related to the attitude of tourism volunteer service The relationship between now and more and more countries want to understand the content and nature of tourism volunteer services. But at this stage of Chinas tourism volunteer service is still in the initial stage, the service content and management mechanisms are still lacking, for the construction of tourism volunteer service system and the construction of tourism volunteer service platform also need according to Chinas tourism industry And the status of tourism volunteer services to adapt to local conditions to further strengthen and improve the measures. Tourism volunteer service platform to promote the intensity is not enough, tourism volunteer staff structure is single, travel volunteer service aware


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