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旅游虚拟社区用户参与意向影响因素研究 摘要 随着互联网时代的到来,网络用户数量激增,旅游虚拟社区也成为旅游发展新趋势所在。要发展旅游虚拟社区,需要社区用户的积极参与,而面对用户日益多样化的选择,虚拟社区的运营方要想抓住发展的机遇就必须对用户参与意向影响因素有更深入的了解。本文基于感知价值理论同时结合期望确认理论构建用户参与意向影响因素的模型。做出假设并用实证研究方法进行验证,最后得出结论感知价值的三个影响因素感知有用性、感知服务质量、感知情感价值能够对于参与意向有明显影响。最后,针对结论提出建议,旅游虚拟社区运营商应注重旅游信息质量,增加用户互动,提高用户使用效率,期望未来的旅游虚拟社区能够发展成为活跃的社交圈,体现出更多功能,成为更多人们生活的一部分。 关键词:旅游虚拟社区;用户参与意向;感知价值 A Study on the Influencing Factors of User 's Participation Intention in Tourism Virtual Community Abstract With the advent of the Internet era, the number of network users surge, tourism virtual community has become a new trend of tourism development. To develop a virtual community of tourism, the need for active participation of community users, and the face of increasingly diverse user choice, the virtual community operators want to seize the opportunity to develop the user must participate in the intention to influence factors have a more in-depth understanding. Based on the theory of perceptual value, this paper constructs the model of influencing factors of user participation intention based on expectation confirmation theory. And then use the empirical research method to verify, and finally concluded that the perceived value of the three influencing factors perceived usefulness, perceived quality of service, perceived emotional value can have a significant impact on the participation intention. Finally, for the conclusions of the proposed recommendations, tourism virtual community operators should focus on the quality of tourism information, increase user interaction, improve user efficiency, hope the future of tourism virtual community can develop into an active social circle, reflecting batter features. Keywords: tourism virtual community;user participation intention;perception value 一、绪论 (一)研究背景 截至2016年6月,我国网民数量达到7.1亿,其中手机网民规模达6.56亿,占比92.5%。随着互联网技术的高速发展,各种电子工具越来越普及,各种虚拟社区等在线交流平台的活跃度与日俱增,大量用户活跃在其中。同时,大众旅游时代即将到来,互联网成为旅游者出行的重要信息媒介,在即时通讯工具上、在O2O平台上、在以旅游为主题的论坛、网站上人们互相交换着旅游信息,引发出游意向或出游计划。所以,线上的交流将会越来越被人们所接受,旅游虚拟社区


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