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Module 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please. 六年级Objectives:§To learn the basic meanings of some words and phrases.§To learn how to play the games.§To use the typical sentences to express.Focus:I want a hot dog, please.请给我一份热狗。Look, listen and say.I want a hamburger.I want a hot dog.Look, listen and say.Oh, here comes a hot dog.Listen, read, and act out.Cashier: Can I help you?Simon: What do you want, Daming?Daming: I don’t know. What’s a hot dog? Is it a...Simon: No, it isnt a dog. Look! Thats a hot dog.Daming: It looks good. I want a hot dog, please.Simon: And I want a hamburger.Simons dad: I want a hamburger, too.Listen, read, and act out.Cashier: And to drink?Simon: Cola, please.Daming:Can I have some soup?Cashier: Sorry, we dont have any. Daming: All right, a cola for me.Simons dad: And a cola for me, too.Cashier: So, thats two hamburgers,one hot dog and three colas.Simons dad : Thats right.Listen, read, and act out.Simons dad: How much is it?Cashier: Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.Simons dad: Here you are.Cashier: Thank you. Heres your food. Enjoy your meal!Listen, read, and act out.Daming: Let me take them.Simons dad : Be careful.Daming: Oh no! Im sorry.Simon: My new trousers!Listen, read, and act out.Lets Read !Read the above conversations. 请大声朗读以上对话!Listen, read, and act out. 请Pair-work练习以上对话!Listen, read, and act out. Lets Act !Please act out the above situation.请与你的同伴一起将上述对话情景表演出来!Look and Write.A: What do you want?B: I want a hamburger, please. How much is it?A: Its three dollars and seventy-five cents.例:Look and Write.A: What do you want?B: ____________ How much is it?A: __________________Look and Write.A: What do you want?B: ____________ How much is it?A: __________________Look and Write.Lets finish the job!让我们角色扮演,完成上述习题!Homework!请课后与同学练习本课对话及句型!Module 1 Unit 2 What do you want to eat?六年级Objectives:§To learn the basic meanings of some words and phrases.§To learn how to play the games.§To use the typical sentences to express.Focus:What do you w


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