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Unit 1 Psychology;Outline;;Author: Abeba Birhane;Before You Read… ;;Sentence Translation;Sentence Translation;3. He wanted to find a stable point of view from which to look on the world without relying on God-decreed wisdoms; a place from which he could discern the permanent structures beneath the changeable phenomena of nature. But Descartes believed that there was a trade-off between certainty and a kind of social, worldly richness. (Para. 4) 他想要找到一种稳定的观点,而非上帝赐予的智慧,来观察这个世界;由此,他可以透过自然界中变幻莫测的现象分辨出永久性的结构。但笛卡尔认为,稳定性和???自社会的、世俗的多样性之间存在权衡关系。;4. But even then, the investigation often presumes that a collective of Cartesian subjects are the real focus of the enquiry, not selves that co-evolve with others over time. (Para. 6) 但即便如此,调查也常常假设,探究的真正焦点是笛卡尔式议题的集合,而非随时间推移与他人共同进化的自我。 ;Sentence Translation;6. Think of that luminous moment when a poet captures something you’d felt but had never articulated; or when you’d struggled to summarise your thoughts, but they crystallised in conversation with a friend. (Para. 8) 想一想那些醍醐灌顶的时刻:诗人捕捉到你所感受到的却从未表达过的东西;或者在与朋友交谈时你灵光一现,信口而出你曾难以总结、难以表达的一些想法。;Sentence Translation;Sentence Translation;Sentence Translation;Title: Descartes Was Wrong: “A Person Is a Person Through Other Persons” ;Text A: Theme;Referenced Keys to Task 1 (p. 7);Choose the statement that best summarizes the theme of Text A. A. “Self”/ “other” distinction have a long-term influence in academia. B. Self-perception develops through impacts from others. C. Descartes was wrong, due to the “self”/ “other” distinction on selfhood. ; Paragraphs 3-4 has explained that Descartes held a disconcerting notion on “selfhood” and he believed in the self-sufficiency of human existence. Paragraph 3 briefly introduces Descartes’ notion on “selfhood”, and then in Paragraph 4, the author contrasts one’s own cogito and other people/other things to illustrate Descartes’ philosophy in detail. ;;Predicting theme;Practice: Who Does What rule;Practice: Who Does What rule;Identifying Patter


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