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高级商务英语系列教材 总主编:叶兴国 王光林 高级商务英语阅读1 主编:谢文怡 (习题答案) 外语教学与研究出版社 Unit 1 Business Start-ups Text A Comprehension I. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions with the information you get from the text. 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C II. Discuss with your partners and answer the following questions in your own words. Suggested answers: 1. He managed to build his company from its beginnings in a town of 800 and made it a great success. He had the most important entrepreneurial quality, the determination not to fail and persisted in what he determined to do. From his success, we know that one should have tenacity and make sure that his business is on the right track when starting up. 2. When Bradberry advises entrepreneurs to leverage their relationships and resources, he means that they should contact all sorts of qualified people in business that can help them make connections and network and make all sorts of other judicious business moves that will nudge them toward profitability. Pickel is an example of this step. He first chose to get suggestions from his young children and then accepted advice put forward by a professional skeptic who was expert at downing a six-pack. 3. (open) 4. (open) Usage Translation I. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases in the box. Change the form when necessary. 1. shot straight 2. wear…on her sleeve 3. judicious 4. crystallize 5. nudge 6. tip off II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. 尽管为一家成功的公司奠定基础意味着要确保该公司拥有一种适合在市场 销售并为付费顾客所接受的产品或服务,一些已经取得一定成就的创业者认 为,一系列的个人准备工作能帮助创业者挺过创业初期的艰难阶段。


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