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Unit 4 Human Nature;;;;Critical Thinking ;When you read about Auschwitz or the Nanjing Massacre, have you ever wondered why? Why do human beings act so cruelly to each other? By contrast, human history has also witnessed shining examples of selfless morality such as Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Oskar Schindler and Mother Teresa. So are we born evil or good? Are we capable of making rational choices between good and evil? These questions all point to what Oscar Wilde calls “that dreadful universal thing called human nature.”;Lead in;Background Knowledge;Background Knowledge;Background Knowledge;Background Knowledge;Background Knowledge;Background Knowledge;Background Knowledge; ; ;1. Why does Stephen H. Daniel begin the article by describing a near-death experience? How does this introduction relate to the theme of the article?;2. What is the Traditional Western view of human nature?; ; ; ;1. What are the distinguishing characteristics of human beings in the Judeo-Christian tradition?;2. In what respects did Plato influence Christian thought with regard to human nature?;And Augustine developed the idea of self into the one that “with the help of God control its desires, the self can has the power to allow reason to rule over passion”. The idea of the immaterial and immortal soul was also borrowed by Augustine to justify the Christian notion of afterlife. Besides, Plato had said the souls of those who love “perfect, eternal” ideals would rise to heaven, while Augustine modified this by arguing that the souls of those who love the perfect, eternal God will rise to heaven.;Part I;Part I;Part I;Part II Word Study;2. contend (Para. 8, line 2) Verb 1) [T] to argue or state that something is true声称,主张 e.g. Some astronomers contend that the universe may be younger than previously thought. 2) [I] to compete against someone in order to gain something竞争 e.g. Inevitably, fights break out between the members of contending groups.;3. emulate (Para. 11, lin


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