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妊娠生理 PHYSIOLOGY OF PREGNANCY;教学重点;Definition;Length of pregnancy Starting from the time of conception, this typical length of gestation and the fetal age at the end of pregnancy is 266 days or 38 weeks ( conceptual age受精龄) By convention, add a standard 2 weeks to derive ‘gestational age’. The typical length of pregnancy is 280 days or 40.0 weeks(menstrual age月经龄);; Fertilization and The Development 、 Transit and Implantation of zygote;Fertilization ;Sperm Capacitation(精子获能);Acrosome Reaction(AR,顶体反应);Zona Reaction(ZR,透明带反应);;卵裂Cleavage;PGD;Preimplantation and Implantation;Implantation(1)- Apposition定位;Implantation(2)- Adhesion粘附;Implantation(3)- Penetration穿透 Syncytiotrophoblast produces specific molecules and other enzymes to degrade and remodel the epithelium and stroma. The embryo becomes completely embedded 7–13 days after ovulation;;Transit of zygote;;Normal embryonic and fetal development;The embryonic period;;The fetal period;;Fetal circulation;Three shunts;;Fetal Appendage;Placenta—Structural Characteristic ;;;Placental Arm of the Fetal-maternal Communication System;;Maternal Fetal ;;;Maternal Adaptations to Pregnancy;Reproductive system;;Isthmus of uterus Low segment of uterus Cervix Softening Red Beading Friable and bleeds Ovaries Ovulation ceases, Corpus luteum of pregnancy Vagina and Perineum Softening, Violet color;Cardiovascular system;;Haematology;;Change in WBC populations;Coagulation components and test values in pregnancy;Urinary tract system;Metabolism Changes;Metabolism Changes;妊娠诊断 Pregnancy Diagnosis ;;Diagnosis of the First Trimester Pregnancy ;;Diagnosis of the Second and Third Trimester Pregnancy ;Diagnosis of the Second and Third Trimester Pregnancy ;;胎产式fetal lie:胎体纵轴与母体纵轴的关系 胎先露fetal presentation:最先进入骨盆入口的胎儿部分;胎方位fetal position:胎儿先露部的指示点与母体骨盆的关系 指示点:头先露—枕骨(O) 面先露—颏骨(M) 臀先露—骶部(S)


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