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Exercises 1. The _________ of the killer is still unknown. 2. That’s not a real golden necklace; it’s just a ___________ ! 3. They _________ the passing of a simpler life. 4. Few of her early articles ______________ . 5. It is __________ to sell tobacco to someone under 16. 6. The building is part of our national __________ . 7. The lake was recently __________ a conservation area. 8. The government has decided to tighten its ___________ policy. 9. Mangoes and other_________ fruits sell well in our country. 10. The exhibition is designed to reflect the __________ of the nation and its regions. identity fake mourned illegal were preserved heritage exotic immigration designated diversity Exercises Ⅲ. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. She cooked pies, meats, vegetables, and stuffing, which however delicious, were not my main course. 她会烹制各种派、肉类、蔬菜和酿制菜式——这些菜肴都可口 美味,但都不是我的主菜。 2. I’m half Asian, half Anglo and completely American. 我有一半的亚洲血统,一半的英国血统,但完全是个美国人。 3. So I used to mourn what I saw as the loss of my Chinese heritage. 因此,过去我会把一些事情看作是中国传统的缺失,而为之悲伤。 4. They used fake papers and adopted a fake family name in order to come here. Exercises 为了进入美国,他们使用了虚假文件并且换了虚假的姓氏。 5. Until 1943, the United States would not allow Asians to become naturalized citizens. 在1943年以前,美国不允许亚洲人加入美国国籍。 Ⅴ. Complete the following sentences by translating Chinese into English. 1. Could you tell me ______________________ (这场争执是怎 样发生的)? 2. To me, protesting is standing up for _______________ (我所 信仰的). what I believe in how the quarrel arose Exercises 3. At the time, __________________ (种族间的通婚) were illegal in certain states. 4. It is said that his __________________________(兴趣非常 广泛). 5. This _______________ (身份证明) may include your current driving license. interracial ma


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